15. That Phrase of Mine

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[ Darshan ]

When I settled down on my seat, the thing that made me shock was she started shivering. Like, She experienced a bad dream or something like that.

I quickly went towards her and Kneed down up to her seat level , "Hey..Rishikaaa..Liste..nn, hey." I patted her face 2 to 3 times, and she shockingly Waked up and hugged me as tight as she could.

And she was continuously shivering, making me shock. I was left shocked to see her like this.

I hugged her back and console her.

"Dar..shann, Mo..m."She tried to say but wasn't able to.

"Rish..ika. Cool down."I caressed her hair and consoled her.

"M..om, Said th..att. I..I didn't work..ed hard. She is an..gry with me."Definitely a bad dream.

"Your mom is here for you, na. Koi bhi mom apne baccho ko aaisa nahi kahti. Just control Yourself rishika, Stop crying." I just tried to console her, but.

"S..he is angry fro..m me, You don't Know."She answered between her hiccups.

"And can I know the reason why she is?"I asked her while giving she was continuously shivering.

She didn't answered and Silence took place, I didn't release her from that hug. Instead, held her closer and kept my Chin on her head and said, "It's okay. If You don't want to tell me. Cool down. I am here."

I could feel her wrapping her both hands around my waist, and she hummed in reply.

We just been there in that position for the last 2 minutes and finally, she tried to get away. She settled down back in her position while keeping her head down.

I cupped her face while keeping in mind not to hurt my wound and tilted her head upwards to see her in tears, Her eyes were again filled up with tears.

"Cool down, I am here. Sanyaa, Jyugal, Hardil & Sid, everyone is here for you."I said, and she smiled while holding my wrist, which was around her cheeks.

"I know."

And, I am sorry I just ruined Your T - shirt and mood too. Sorry, I'll just be back in a few minutes." She stated and stood up and was about to go towards the door.

I held her wrist, and she stopped at that moment.

"You didn't ruin up my T - Shirt nor my mood. Understand this." I said and left her wrist.

After that, I heard the voice of the door close.

I sigh.

God! This girl.


[ Rishika ]

"You didn't ruin up my T - Shirt nor my mood. Understand this." He said to me and left my wrist.

A lone tear dropped down, and I smiled.

I quickly Wipped it, and went towards the washroom.

I have never expected this. I mean, I don't know what's wrong with me. I was crying and was feeling weak in front of him.

And he being him, Consoled me. I was feeling so good.

Darshan Raval, You are a miracle!

I washed my face 2 to 3 times, and was about to go back to my compartment till then, My stomach growled as, was hungry.

It's was around 7:49 p.m., I guess.

I went to my compartment, As I went, he turned towards me and gestured me to come and have food.

When did he order this?

"I...I am sorry, I didn't order anything and y...ou have to order this all."I said while feeling guilty for not letting him have anything.

"It's okay."He said and gestured me to come.

I soaked and patted my face with a towel from my bag and kept it back.

I settled down on my seat and him on his seat, Table between us was attached to the compartment wall.

I was about to pick that spoon up, but, "You didn't call your mom." First call her Rishika."He said.


My mood, my face, everything felt paled. I picked that spoon up and made some small circles on the plate, while he was confusingly staring at me and then, Spoon.

"If It could be possible, I would have done this in the initials, Then you wouldn't have seen that Phrase of Mine Today."  I looked up and gave him a fake smile.

He was dumb and fully glared at me, and in few seconds, he understood my words.

"I...Am..s..So..rrry. I didn't know. I mean."He completely freaked out and drenched into Guilt.

"It's okay, Darsh. You don't know anything. It's okay."I said and picked my rice up in my spoon, then my mouth.

Please, have your dinner, Darshan. I have already taken a lot of your time. I don't want..",

"Told you not to say this."He interrupted in between.


"But, still Darshan, this means a lot."I said as he took a bite of chapati in his mouth.

He didn't say anything nor me. He was totally confused and as well as concerned about me.

This concern made me realize how Bhai used to care for me. Him and his care, Both are precious for me. His presence can make me feel like better and more comfortable, and in the same way, Darshan's presence is making me feel comfortable as Him.

Trust me, I never felt something like this for him before, His care.


We both had our dinner and he went to the next compartment, in which his paltan is there.

I can never get over from this word "Paltan."


Love in Air. Hehe.

Just written, so ignore grammatical errors.

I am back <3


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