13. Everything Messed Up.

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*This song is making this chapter more beautiful, Please try this Song with this chapter.*


[ Rishika ]

He is very notorious. I mean, His mind can't take rest for a single second. He planned a prank, and that prank is kinda funny, and their are high chances to be flopped.

When I saw him in my compartment. I became startled at first, He consoled me about it, but the reason for me behind cry was something else. It can't be him, obviously.

"Hey.."He whispered as he tapped my shoulder as we both were standing in front of the closed door of the compartment.

"Are you ready? "He asked me with a smiley face. I nodded in reply and smiled.

He, too joined me by smiling.

"First I will go, na? "I asked him with a neutral expression face, and in reply, he nodded and gestured me to go inside.

"Do you have a water bottle? "

"Yes."I replied as he asked me about a bottle to sprinkle on them.

I went back to my compartment to take a water bottle. I searched up my backpack for a water bottle and took that. It's a cold water bottle.

As, I was about to turn back after zipping my back while taking my bottle in other hand till then, I got busted in a tall man and Guess what, He is non other then, Darshan.

We both screamed and fell together on the seat. I literally fell up on him. Shit!

The main thing is that my head was about to get banged on the handle of the window, which was kinda sharp, but I didn't feel any pain in my head.

I became startled and turned around my head to see his hand on that handle and second hand on the corner of the seat while protecting me to fall down again.

I settled myself up and got up and made him comfortable on the seat.

He settled down comfortably on Seat and shaked his hand, which, Got injured With a big Long straight cut.

I bent down on my knees while reaching his level, till the level of seat.

"Hey, Darshann! Ar..e Y..Ou Okayy? Oh.. Go..d"

"It's bleeding, O..h I a..m. S..o sor..ryy."I apologized as he got hurt while saving my head from a serious injury.

"I am..m. S..o.rry Darsha..n."I said while taking his hand in mine and observing the cut to First Aid It.

He pulled out his hand from my grip and Shaked it again, "It's okay. It's a small cut, that's it."

I took his hand again, this time more tightly and got up towards my backpack while holding his one hand in my another one, I took out the First Aid and kept it beside him.

Then, he took out some cotton and Dettol Liquid to clear his wound.

"Ah..h."He hesitated a little bit then, pulling his hand towards himself protesting his hand.

"Let.me.do.it."I gave him a strange stare and took his hand again.

"Why did you do this? See, it's a huge cut."I said while cleaning his wound.

"So, you mean I should leave Your head like that in the way it was."He says as He gives me a questioning look.

I nodded.


"Are You in Your Senses? "

I didn't answer him.

I just cleaned the wound and kept that cotton, which completely became red due to his blood.

I applied cream and then bandaged it totally with white normal dressing.

"Thank you."He said as He scanned his hand totally.

"Shut up, You, Now."I strictly said while keeping the First Aid box in my backpack back.

"Let's go for the prank."He got up from the seat and was about to go towards the door.

"Are You In Your Senses? "

He looked back at me when he heard my voice and gave me a startled look.

"Just Sit Down And Rest."I strictly said and gestured him to sit back.


"How rude? "I exclaimed Irritatingly.

"Please, Yaar, Rishika. Don't ruin my prank mood."

"You are not going, that's it."I said and gestured him again to sit on the seat.

"Yaaar, Ek toh tumhari wajah se mujhe lag gayi aur Tum hi mujhe jaane nahi de rahi ?"

"What's Wrong With You, Rishika? "He added.

"What's Wrong with You, Darshan ?" You are injured, and you only say all this? "

"Toh aur karu bhi kya? "He asked.

"Listen, I know that it's all because of me. But please don't do like this. The cut is very deep. So, it needs some extra care. Please try to un.. der..stand."I made him understand, but still he went out.

"Darshannn."I called him out, but.

I went behind him and for my surprise, everybody was already wake up.

They were literally gawking at darshan and His hand.

Till then, Sanyaa got up and held his hand, "What happened to you, Darsh?"

"No.. nonothing. It's a small cut."He denied the cut. Which is huge.

Her eyes got connected with me, and in between, she gestured me. Hey.

I gestured her a Hey back.

When Darshan sensed Sanyaa's reaction , he turned back.

His intense gaze got connected with mine.

And by now, Everyone Senses me here and stares at me.

Okay, this is awkward now.

With hesitation, I stated, "I..I a..m. Sor..ry gu..y's I disturbed You all. So, sorry. And D..arshan he..re is the medicine for the woun..d."

And with this, I turned around and went back to my compartment.


A/N : Huge Sorry for late.

Lots of love to all. <3

Darshan did wrong, right?

For me, I think darshan overreacted.
What about you all?


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