4. A peaceful Day

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[ Rishika ]

Losing your parent's, is like budden to me. Life without them is just like nothing.
I wonder, the Children who have both, a cute, caring mother and a savior, little strict father, are so lucky to have them both. That's so, beautiful feeling.

But unfortunately, I am like no one, who ruined her own life and as well as her brother's life also.


I woked up, it's 6:29 am. I found myself on the couch, really?? I slept on the couch, and yesterday's night hit's my mind. Yes, I slept on the couch.
I was really missing my mom and dad.

You know, I never got a chance to see my mom's face ones. I only saw her on pictures, on the album of my brother's childhood.

A humorless chuckle.

"Good morning" - A voice came while breaking my morning's thoughts.

Bhai is here!!

"Get up, rishu. It's morning."

"Yeah..Ohh, waitt..." Said I with a mixed emotion.

Kyaa?? He asked with excitement.

"IT'S MY LAST EXAMMM, BHAI!!" I blurred out with a happy scream.

"Khush hojaa, you know main bhi issi tarah khush hota tha." He stated happily and completely lost in his own thoughts, like that college's vibes.

Is he dreaming?, Abhi abhi toh uthe hai?

"Sab hi khush hote hai bhai." I exclaimed while rolling my eyes.

"Ek sec, tu couch pe kya kar rahi?? " He asked while making me stiff.

What should I tell, huh? That I was going through my nightmares.

"Woh, shayad.. I also don't know, main kab soi yaha." This much I adjusted to say.

"Koi baat nahi, you go and get fresh up. Phir, get ready for college."

Okay? - he stated.

"Yeah, going." - I said while getting off from the couch.

I went to the bathroom. It made me look perfect for college. I don't want to look like a ghost again. Already, I don't have any friends. How I lived these five years. I only know this!

In college

So, it's my last exam. And I am here in front of my exam hall.

Someone tapped my shoulder again.

Uff, darshan. I know it's you.

I turned, to be shocked.

"Hey, this is Jyugal Soni." - Person in front of me introduced.

"He..y, It's Ris..hika..." I was about to complete till then.

"It's Rishika Roy." A familiar voice came.

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