9. Announcement day!

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A/N :- Not edited, Just written. Don't be mad at me at my errors.


We entered the hall, because of the notice which we got a few minutes back to be their in the main hall. As the vice - President want to describe something. The atmosphere was different. I mean, Something is different. Everybody is busy in themselves. Except, the one and only Rishika.

Why she always have to be like this, I have tried everything to make that particular girl, happy like other's but she isn't able to pick herself up from obstacles or from the phrase she is going through. God knows what she is carrying in herself.

We five jogged together towards the empty seats in a corner, obviously. We don't want to be called on the stage if there will be some type of speech and lecture, you know. Their is no belief and trust of the vice - president and professor's.
As, they can do anything.

And here comes our vice president Mr. Santosh Lingam, oops, sorry, Mr. Santosh Mahalingam,

With a fatty face and always with anger on his balloon face.

Sorry, I have described him like because he is like this only. Once If he got any evidence against me, he would make sure that I should have been thrown out of this college.

He is always kinda pissed off of me. Even if I haven't done anything, still he will throw me out of this college.

With a neutral face, he captured the mice and started,
"So, students. You are all here in this college to be a worker and serve your country the best through science. I am overwhelmed right now, and I am not able to explain the thing clearly..." he continued.

"Who told you to explain when you are feeling overwhelmed?"Sanya grumbled in herself while making us four chuckle.

"So, Student. I really will appreciate your studies and this degrees as you all are in the last state of MBBS. And I am again feeling overwhelmed..."

"Again, this Lingam said overwhelmed, mat bata na aur kaha hai."Sanyaa stated irritatingly. "I swear if he said this Overwhelmed again na, I am gonna kick his head like a football." She added.

"Cool down, Sanyaa."Hardil grinned and said, he got his reply as "Tu chup kar, " and his smile faded away.

We three chuckled at their small talk.

As, after some time, something hitted my mind, and I turned my head towards the crowd to find Rishika. As I saw her, I felt relief that she was okay.

"We got a chance to help our country. As, per as records in Shimla, Some hospitals are going to crisis where they have lack of accessories and Doctors and due to some reasons, the college which provides other neccessary to them is unable now to do all that. We all know how much this meant to our country. So, We are transferring some of our 5th Year's students to go there and help them as a trip. Then, your performance will be noted as the numbers, which can increase your assessment marks."

"I hope, You guy's will not give any single chance due to which our college image could get down. As, You all know our college holds a good position in this city."

" In few minutes, We are going to pronounce the names which have been selected, and they are assigned to go and help them off."

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