16. Silence of Roads!

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I can't wait for him. Urgh!!

It's been more than half an hour he had gone there and didn't come back. I am also getting bored here, but him being him.

Till then, my phone rang. I don't know how to answer it, In between all this I forgot to call him.

He might be angry.

In fact, he will be.

He has too.

"You didn't called me, right? ", I forgotten to call him in Actual.

I forgot bhaii, actually kuch man nahi kar raha tha karne ka and the..", Shit, I don't have to tell him anything.

"Then?"He questioned.

"Nothing bhaiii."I just said this, and both sides felt silent.

"Umm, well, have dinner?"He asked me in a serious tone.

"Yes, I had."I replied while fidgeting my hair strand.

"Whenever you feel like explaining me and want to tell something, I am here only."As expected, he said this.

"Same to you, bhaii."I smiled and answered him.

"Good night, Rishu. Take care. So jaa ab. Tereko jalti sone ki habit hai."He said, and I replied Yes, and after that, we hanged the call and kept my phone aside on the table.

After a few Minutes, He came and called me too to join them for a group chit chat session, and with a smile, I nodded.

We chit - chatted for last 1 to 2 hours and after that it was around 12:04 AM, I felt sleepy so I excused myself and came back to my compartment.

It's a beautiful day after in the morning, and I just woked up early, Wow!

This train journey is kinda tiring for me because, all night, the way trains use to shake and sometimes makes sounds affect my Sleep alot and as being a sleepyhead, it's irritating, you know.

As I got up , I folded my Comforter and packed it in the case of it. I prefer to bring my own one instead of using Train One.

I went towards washroom then, washed up my face, and came back. I patted the towel on my face and kept it in the bag.

I just settled down on my seat and stared at him. How he is sleeping. Opened mouth, closed eyes. God! He is beautiful.

Uhmm, uhmm. I should go and check out Sanyaa's compartment, too.

I went there and silently opened the compartment, without making any noise to see them sleeping Fearlessly. God, this whole paltan is So, Cute.


A F T E R    F E W     D A Y' S

"Darsh, I already told You not to do it like this."Sanyaa screamed in anger in that rook as darshan wasn't able to fold his comforter

It's been a day since we reached Shimla, and indeed, it's a beautiful place.

Like the place where we got your rooms, it's near that hospital and We can see the beautiful mountains and little roads on it while coming towards our rooms or can say hotel.

But, the place where we are right now is beautiful.

This view is amazing.

"I said na, I will fold it later. Abhi rehne do usse."Darshan said while coming out from the room.

I turned towards him and greeted him a good morning while he returned that smile and greeted me too.

Today, it's our first day to be there for patients, and It's around 8:34 AM.

It's too cold here.

I went inside and got ready for my day towards my opportunity as my brother instructed me to do.

I picked up my phone from the table and called him, in 2 to 3 rings he picked up.

"Good morning."I said while he yawned and whispered good morning.

"Today, you didn't wake up on time?"

I didn't get any answer.

"C'mon bhai, it's 8:58 AM, way up, you lazy fellow."I said in a serious tone.

"Aare yaar, Night shift thi, How could you forget." Oops, I totally forgot that in actual.

"Sorry, I forgot."I apologized.

And we talked for some 8 to 9 minutes more and then hung up.

I picked up my bag and kept my phone in it, and my essential necessities and ofcourse my key card, and, went towards the main gate.

I locked my gate and kept that key card in my bag and finally walked out to the hospital.

The hospital was in a nearby location, so walking to that place is kinda good and We can enjoy the view too.

I had wore 2 coats, still it's, feeling cold here.

I didn't ask Darshan & Siddharth and any of them to join me.
They can go as they want, I don't want to be interfere between them.

That's why I didn't ask them.

These Silent roads and in between some Car's only can be seen, Otherwise Silence.

This road seems like a busy road, but this route is kinda close to the hospital as instructed by The people's of hospital.

Most of the 5th year batch mate have got, Different different Types and Place Restrooms for them, but unfortunately, I got one with Him and His paltan.

"Hey, wait, Rishikaaa."I heard a voice, and I turned around towards the source of that voice.

It's Sanyaa.


I am earlier this time. Wohoo!

Small chapters are sufficient? With some upper thoughts?

Want to ask how's Promise Going? Any suggestions, Fault, Something to tell about this book? Then, Please lemme Know.
Lots of love <3


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