14. His strange feelings.

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[ Author's POV ]

She went backward and turned back towards her compartment.

"Heyy, Rishik..aa."Sanyaa called her out but before her voice could reach her, She had already gone to the compartment.

"Let her be, Sanya."Darshan stated and gestured his hand in front of her to stop her from stopping Rishika.

"Are You Serious, Darsh? "

"She helped, You and You..."

Darshan again stopped her in the middle by gesturing his hand and sighing.

"I don't know."He simply said and when off while making them all shock.

"What's Going on? "Sanyaa exclaimed irritatingly and frowned.

"I think...."

"They had a fight."Jyugal stated while having a sip of water.

Sanyaa turned towards her and Glared him and he choked the water.

"What? "He asked.

They had a fight! , literally. Can I know how this thought banged your little brain, Mr. Jyugal? "Sanyaa questioned while folding her hand across her chest.

"It's visible, yaar."Hardil interrupted while sneaking his head from the uper berth.

"But, there should be a reason, right? And Rishika helped her only."Sanyaa said in worry.

"Cool down, yaar, you know darshan, right? He gets angry so fast."This time, Siddharth said while getting down from the berth.

"Let's see." They all said in reunion and sighed.


On the other side, Darshan just went to the compartment and saw her sleeping while facing her face towards him.

He went and sat in front of her and simply stared at her.

Her face, Her beautiful closed eyes. They look so good. He started remembering the first time he had seen her. A girl who was unknown from everyone.

He wonders how she would have crossed these years in college without a single friend or any support. Never ever in his life would he have survived without a single friend. Whether it had been school or college.

He smiles, seeing her making different expressions in her sleep. His smile dropped when he saw a lone tear falling from her closed eye and disappeared.

It's Around Evening time, as it is 7:03 PM. And They are going towards their journey or can say destination, unknowingly falling for each other more and more, still unknown from their feelings. Him being a perfect and supportive person, her being a scared soul.

He went towards her and settled himself up to her and again stared at her face.

He felt guilty for yelling at her. He softly caressed her hair and smiled.

He never felt anything for her, but today, he feels so happy to see her from such a close distance.

He politely started trying to wake her up, "H..ey, Rish..ika, Wake Up! "

"Are you okay? " As, She was crying a little bit before.

She shook lightly in her sleep and then slept.

He was about to wake her up again till then, Someone knocked on the door of the compartment.

He tilted his head towards the compartment door and sighed.

He opened the door and saw a servant.

Hey sir, sorry to disturb you.


He tried to sneak inside the compartment. Till then darshan, Captured that space and said, " Yes! Ma'am is here."

Sir, actually, We are asking for dinner because it's around 8. So please tell me, that what's your order. Are you guys going to have dinner... or..

Yes, we are going to have dinner. Two plates, please.

Okay, sir.

Sir ma'am?

Don't worry, two are for me and her.

He smiled and left.

Darshan was about to close the door but she heard a voice and he again tilted his head towards the source of voice.

Sanyaa was here.

He smiled, and she gestured him out.

He simply and silently closed the door and went out.

"She is sleeping? "Sanyaa questioned him.

Darshan nodded.

"Darsh, listen, yaar. Uski galti nahi thi aur tune, usko kah diya."She started.

He didn't answer anything.

"Hey, I am talking to you."She lightly slapped his arm.

"I know, but I don't know what was going inside me that I yelled at her.", He stated in guilty.

She gave him a questioning look, "Are you serious?"

He again didn't say anything.

"Darsh, let her wake up, and you have to apologize to her."She strictly warned him.

"I will, Sanyaa."He simply accepted his mistake.

"Take care." She said and went after giving him a smile.

He sighed and went back to the compartment and saw her sleeping.

He went there and was about to sit, till then something happened which was unexpected.


Late latiff chapter, I know. I'm so sorry.
Few day's more then, I will be active again.


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