11. Way of Journey.

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[ Rishika ]

We all have been provided our Ticket's In college and It's currently afternoon time, I.e. 1:45 PM.

I am still in shock that I am going to manage all this. Urgh!

Darshan is also here, I mean, when Professor pronounced his names, I could feel happiness but later changed into Neutral. He is kinda pissed off, but that's okay.

"Heyy, Rishuu. Sorryyy. Mainn late ho gaya.."A voice distracted me up from my thoughts while I was standing in front of my college gate waiting for my brother to pick me up.

I looked up to see him coming towards me and gesturing me to come towards him.

"Told You na, Not to be late."I rolled my eyes at my brother and said.

"Sorry."he mumbled and gestured me again.

We both settled down in our car and He geared the car towards our home to pick up my bags as our train is at 3:15 PM. And basically, our home is not far away from Railway station, It's around 10 KM and will take some 25 - 30 minutes. That's enough.

"So, ready for the trip? "

"How you are feeling right now? "He looked at me once and gave an amused smile then, back to straight.

I sigh and answer, "Scared, anxious, and don't want to go."

"But, Force karke bheja jaa raha."

"And m..ain nahi jaun..gi."And I laughed at my awkwardness in front of my brother only.

He later joined me and laughed hard.

"You know, Bhai. Thank you for sending me." I looked up at him, and I could observe him smiling, I looked back again in my lap while fidgeting my fingers.

"Thank you for sending me. I know that you are sending me because of my fear towards the things, but trust me, I never do all these things to show off. I mean it's, I don't know how to expl...

"You are telling this to Your brother, Rishu."His voice made me stop and looked up at him.

He is again looking straight as obviously he is driving.

"I know You more than you know yourself. So, It's better not to give me this type of statement. Understood? " He said.

And I nodded.

"Need an answer from your mouth.", He strictly said.

"Yes, I will not say anything like this."I replied him back.

After some time, We reached our flat, and as I was about to pull the door towards the outside, His voice interrupted, "Wait, I will be it."

I looked at him and nodded.

He went out and disappeared towards the main entrance towards lift.

I was feeling nervous, anxious, and like everything. Like, I am feeling that I am going from away my brother and...I will never come back. I mean-

I don't know, What's happening?  But, I don't know why this feeling is making me scared of losing someone again in my life. Already, I don't have anyone in my life except him. And if I lost him-

Shit, I am not able to think about all this.

All these thoughts break down when. A knock hits my window as I looked up and saw him.

I scrolled down the window. "Any necessary or important thing which you want from home? "He questioned me.

I nodded in A Big No and Smiled.

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