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We finally make it to their house and first off, it's huge, so Min-Hee was freaking out thinking she has hit the jackpot with these guys.

I really didn't want to come here with them because they give me bad vibes and I just can't shake them, but I know I couldn't let Min-Hee go alone.

Seokjin AKA Jin walked up to the front door and started to try to unlock it.

Everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves while waiting for him to get the door open, but I just felt so out of place.

When Jin finally got the door open, we all started to walk in, and he waited by the door until I went in then he said.

SEOKJIN: You like my house?

YUNMI: yeah, sure it's big.

SEOKJIN: that's not the only thing I have that's big. (As he raised his eyebrows and looked down)

YUNMI: wow okay...

He started to smirk and walked into the house.

He put his hand around my waist and started walking into what appears to be the living room.

I pushed his hand away from me and looked up at him with an angry expression and he looked down at me and laughed, then put his hand back, leaned down near my ear and spoke.

SEOKJIN: don't fight it baby girl

I fought his hand off again, but it just made him try even harder and he finally succeeded because I stopped fighting it.

Min-Hee was over on the couch with Jimin making out. It was disgusting to me how she gives in so easily. I could never imagine being so naive.

All the other guys were in the kitchen making food and drinking while being so loud.

Jin wouldn't leave my side or if he did, he was staring at me the whole time.

I really don't understand why he's so weird.

Things were quiet for a little while and we all were just sitting in the living room and dining room just listening to music while talking.

They kept trying to offer me drinks, but I didn't want any, Min-Hee on the other hand was getting wasted and I kept telling her to stop and think about us being alone with a bunch of men.

She didn't really seem to care but these kinds of men were crawling all over my neighborhood and I know they aren't up to any good.

Hobi walked into the dining room with a baggie full of white stuff and threw it down on the table and said you guys want some?

As he continued on to chop it up and snort it.

The other guys started walking up to the table and sat down and started taking some lines.

I knew it was coke and wasn't interested. J

in didn't get up but he looked over at me and paused then said

SEOKJIN: have you ever done coke before?

YUNMI: no and I'm not interested in trying it either.

As I started getting up off the couch to go to Min-Hee, Jin grabbed my arm, pulled me down to his level as our faces were inches apart and said.

SEOKJIN: relax and have some fun Baby girl.

And that's when things quickly got out of hand.

Written by: S O L H A/ A S H

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