11: SHOWER (21+)

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Warning 21+


Yunmi woke up because she heard mumbles.

She kept her eyes closed because she wanted to find out what they were saying, but she couldn't really make any sentence out of the words she heard.

?: I know you're awake Yunmi.

Yunmi opened her eyes to see Yoongi a few inches away from her face.

Yoongi moved his face away from hers and grabbed a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

He grabbed a cigarette and lit it.

YOONGI:  I untied your hands and legs, now follow me, I'll let you eat and take a shower, and if you try to run, you're going to get beat to death. Hear me?

YUNMI:  Yes.

Yunmi got off of the table and hid her body with the blanket Jungkook gave to her last night.

Yoongi walked to the door, unlocked it, then opened it.

Yoongi grabbed Yunmi's hand and led her to a room.

It was a bathroom.

Yoongi put his cigarette out then threw it in the trash.

YOONGI: Take the blanket off, I'll help you.

Yunmi took the blanket off hesitantly revealing all of the bruises these disgusting men left on her the last few days.

Yoongi smirked before turning the water on and pulling the plug up, making the bath into a shower.

YOONGI: Get in.

Yunmi got into the shower and soon later Yoongi ended up in the shower with her.

YUNMI:  Please don't.

YOONGI: turn around. 

He didn't even give Yunmi a second to think, he pushed her up against the shower wall, grabbed her hands and put them over her head onto the shower wall...

YOONGI: keep your hands on the wall, don't move them, now spread your legs.

As Yoongi tapped her legs.

Yunmi started crying and did what he told her to do because she knew being rebellious wasn't going to get her anywhere good......

Yoongi grabbed Yunmi's back in to make her angle herself better and he shoved himself into her without any kind of warning....

He grabbed her throat and was nibbling and biting on her neck....

YOONGI: I'm the one you should be most afraid of, and you better never disobey my words again.

Yunmi stayed quiet as much as she could and was crying from the pain...

He didn't even care to try to be gentle at first....

YOONGI: Do you HEAR me?

As he turned her around and still had his hand on her throat and was looking into her face....


He grabbed her right leg and put it on his hip and shoved himself inside of her again...

This time rougher and more careless.

YOONGI:  you're really starting to piss me off

YUNMI: I understand.... Yoo....ngiahhh.... you're hurting me so much.... please stop.... please... I'm so sore from yesterday and last night.......

He kept going not really hearing what Yunmi was saying to him because of the pleasure he felt.... but then after a minute or so he stopped because he realizes what she said... and he really thought about it....

YOONGI: what do you mean last night

YUNMI: Uh... nothing... just yesterday.

YOONGI: no, I heard you say yesterday and last night... now tell me what the actual fuck happened!

YUNMI:  um... Jung...kook...

Before I could even finish saying what, I was saying he said, " that's where the blanket and pillow was from"?

Yoongi got out of the shower and started getting dressed and went out the door yelling " JUNGKOOK WHERE TF ARE YOU?


Oh man holy shit... did I just fuck up....


Yoongi put his clothes back on and walked out of the bathroom slamming the door behind him. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU JUNGKOOK?!"

Yoongi muttered quietly making his way to the living room.

Yoongi saw Taehyung sitting on the couch and stopped walking. "Where is Jungkook?" Yoongi said sounding calm. "Jungkook? He's in the kitchen."

Yoongi walked to the kitchen and saw Jungkook standing by the counter drinking his banana milk while scrolling on his phone.

Yoongi's open hand turned into a fist as he walked up to Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at Yoongi, "Hi Yoongi Hyung, I just wanted to tell you the girl we go-" Jungkook didn't get to finish his sentence because Yoongi punched him in his jaw. "WHY'D YOU DO THAT?! IT HURT!" Jungkook managed to spit out.

"It should hurt." Yoongi muttered before hitting Jungkook again.

He started kicking him and punching him for a while.

Namjoon walked in and saw what was happening, "What the hell happened here?!" Namjoon shouted at the two men fighting each other. "AND WHERE IS THE GIRL?! YOONGI, YOU SAID THAT YOU WERE GOING TO HELP HER SHOWER THEN LET HER EAT!!"

Yoongi ran to the bathroom and saw Yunmi in the tub crying.

"SHE IS STILL IN HERE!" Yoongi screamed letting the other guys know that she stayed.

Yoongi looked back at Yunmi, "I'll let you take a shower alone...scream and I'll take you to eat."

Yunmi nodded then opened her mouth as if she was about to speak but closed it.

Yoongi saw that she did that "Say what you were about to say." "Can I have some clothes?" Yoongi nodded then closed the door.


"I AM DONE!" Yunmi screamed.

Yoongi grabbed one of his oversized hoodies and shorts.

He headed down to the bathroom and opened the door. "Here."

He handed her the grey hoodie and shorts and waited for her to finish putting them on.

Yunmi put on the clothes quickly.

Yoongi grabbed her hand a took her to the kitchen. "Sit here." Yoongi said pointing to a seat by him and an empty chair.

The other guys were at the table except for Jin.

Yunmi sat down in the chair Yoongi told her to sit in.

A few minutes later Jin came in with newly cooked food.

He sat the food down in the middle of the table and said, "Hello Babygirl."

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