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Yoongi sighed and got up from the bed, walking bath and forth in a fast pace. Seokjin would kill him if Yunmi was pregnant.  Yunmi knew she made a mistake.

YOONGI: You need to go back to the room, so he doesn't find out.

YUNMI: Okay.........Yoongi?

YOONGI: What is it?

YUNMI: Are you mad at me?   

Yoongi stopped walking and looked at the floor. He nodded then grabbed his shirt off of the bed and put it back on. Yunmi put her clothes back on then walked out of Yoongi's room making sure she wasn't going to get caught by any of the members. She successfully made it to the room and went in. She sat down and put her head back to the point where it was touching the wall. She fell asleep. A few minutes later Seokjin came inside the room and saw her sleeping.

SEOKJIN: Baby girl.

Yunmi continued to sleep.


Yunmi woke up immediately after Seokjin started yelling. He squatted down and pecked her on her cheek.

YUNMI: I don't want to eat what you give me.

SEOKJIN: What if I eat it too? I made dinner and we are all eating. I'll even let you out of this room for tonight.

YUNMI: I guess.

He smiled then grabbed Yunmi's hand and brought her out of the room. All of the members including Yoongi were on the couch shouting at the TV. Seokjin walked into the kitchen to get the newly made food. Yunmi stood in her place not knowing what to do. Yoongi looked over at her and patted the spot next to him. Yunmi walked over and sat next to him. Yunmi nodded then looked at the TV seeing a K-drama playing. The show was about two boys. One was a caregiver for his older brother who had autism.

The brother that had autism loved his brother dearly but also had a lot of love for a special author. The two boys' mother was murdered when they were younger, so the caregiver brother had to take care of his brother with autism. One day, they both got to meet the author the brother with autism adored. She had a bit of a crazy past as well. Her father killed her mother, and she was there to witness it. Her father tried to kill her but luckily, she survived. Her father was put into the psychiatric ward that the caregiver brother worked at.

TAEHYUNG: It's Okay Not to Be Okay is what it's called.

Taehyung said looking over at Yunmi.

YOONGI: Yunmi....why would you do something like that? like you know what the potential outcome could be, but you did it anyways. A child is the last thing I need in this world.

SEOKJIN: What the hell are you talking about? You may have gotten Yunmi pregnant?!

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Written by : Solwae 👻

Written by : Solwae 👻

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