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It was a gloomy day in the beautiful city of Daegu.

There was one house that stood out, due to the fact that it had red and blue lights flashing around it.

Cops were walking back and forth.

One of the cops walked up to a tall man, who's brown hair was slicked back with a thick layer of hair gel.

He was around his mid thirties or early forties. The man was actually quite handsome.

He had one tattoo on his neck in Chinese writing '老板.' Meaning boss.

He was looking off into the distance when the cop who had walked up to him started talking.

COP #1 : Mr.Choi when is the last time you saw your daughter?

MR. CHOI : The last time I saw Minhee was about two months ago. I remember her going out with her friend, Yunmi, that day. I can give you her address if you'd like.

COP #2 : That wouldn't be necessary, I found your daughters body in this location.

The second cop said giving Mr. Choi a piece of paper with all of the information.

The name of the girl who died, where she died, how she died, when she died.

Mr. Choi read through the paper throughly before handing it back to the officer.

He was angry and you could tell.

The way he was breathing, how he clenched his fists, and the dead stare in his eyes.

MR. CHOI : You and your puppets can leave, I can figure this out on my own. It's not like any of you helped, I already knew all of this information.

Both of the cops looked at the ground with expressions that looked a bit mad.

MR. CHOI : Are you going to leave or do I have to make you?

COP #1 & COP #2 : Yes, we are going to leave sir. We wish you luck on finding the man or woman who committed homicide on your daughter.

MR. CHOI : I don't need luck.

Both of the cops bowed at Mr. Choi before gathering all of their investigators and detectives.

They all bowed at Mr. Choi before they left.

What is the deal with this guy and why does everyone respect him so much.

Well, he is in the second biggest mafia gang in the world, the cops didn't dare to arrest him, because they knew it wouldn't do any good, he would just have his men kill them.

Mr. Choi was a very smart man, he knew what to do in any occasion.

Take his daughter, Minhee's, death for example.

He wanted to make sure all of the information he had gathered was correct, and it was.

Mr. Choi was in competition with Seokjin's gang.

He has been for the last eleven years, he doesn't like being in second place, he has never been second in anything other than this, he has always been number one in everything he has done and he won't just sit down and let Seokjin take the top spot.

Mr. Choi waited for all of the police, detectives, and investigators to leave before walking to the house Minhee died at.

He went inside and saw his daughters blood stained on the rug.

It's such a beautiful house, many people don't know what happened in this house.

All of the dark things that have happened in that house were covered up by fancy lights and furniture.

That still doesn't hide the house's history.

Mr. Choi was the type of man who seemed like he didn't care for anything except for himself, nobody knew that he really loved Minhee.

He didn't show it to her but he did love her, that was a fact.

He regretted his last words to her before she left with Yunmi.

He had told her that she looked like her mother and she needed to change or else she would end up like her.

Minhee's mother was a prostitute back in the day, Mr. Choi kept on trying to get her to stop what she was doing because she had a beautiful daughter named Minhee, but she wouldn't listen, which is why she is dead now.

She was beat to death.

Mr. Choi squatted down and looked at the blood stain with tears in his eyes, but he didn't dare to let them fall, because leaders don't cry.

MR. CHOI : Kim Seokjin I'll kill you!

Written by : Solwae 👻

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