28: MR. CHOI PT.2

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MR.CHOI : Seokjin..I'll kill you.

I got up from my position on the floor and walked out of the house.

As I got into my car I started thinking.

I'll kill that son of a bitch how dare he kill my daughter.

It has to be him, him and his peasants are the only ones clever enough to hide their finger prints.

I started speeding over to Yunmi's house I know damn well that that stupid bitch knows where Seokjin is!

I'll kill her if she's a part of this, if she's part of my baby dying..

This is the last time I'll let this shit slide.

I've let her get away with so much shit, why did Minhee like her..

I turned onto Yunmi's street and made it to her house.

I turned my car off and got out.


Mr. Choi got out of his matte black Ferrari and walked up to the family's small old house.

He knocked on the door and stood back a few feet away from it.

Soon after, Yunmi's mother came and opened the door.

She smiled sweetly at Mr. Choi and invited him in.

She sat him at the dining table with a cup of iced coffee.

MOTHER: Is there anything wrong?

MR.CHOI: No, I just need to talk to your daughter about Minhee..

MOTHER: Of course go ahead.

Mr. Choi walked into the dark hallway until he made it to Yunmi's bed room door. He knocked the door before opening it.

He didn't hear a response so he took it upon himself to just open the door and walk in.

He saw Yunmi in a deep sleep all of her limbs different directions.

He saw her phone on the night stand beside her bed, he grabbed it and turned it on. "Fuck...There's a password."

Mr. Choi decided to try Yunmi's birthday but it was useless because that wasn't Yunmi's password. "Minhee's birthday?"

He put that in her phone and to his surprise that was her password, August 9th..

He opened up her messages, the first thing he saw as he opened up the program was a message from Seokjin.

They were only talking about what they did last time Jin came over. "Children are disgusting."

Mr. Choi said before he powered Yunmi's phone off, and putting it in his suit pocket.

He thought for a while before taking the phone back out of his pocket, he messaged Seokjin on Yunmi's behalf.

YUNMI: Jin...Please come help me.

SEOKJIN: What's wrong baby girl?

YUNMI: I need help.....

SEOKJIN: I'll be there in an hour.

YUNMI: What if I need you sooner?

SEOKJIN: You'll be alright.

YUNMI: Okay..

"Now I have to wait a damn hour..The fuck am I supposed to do?" Mr. Choi said looking around Yunmi's room.

He looked back at Yunmi and smirked.

MR. CHOI: Bingo.

Yes, I know you all hate me for this 🤭 But wait for Mr. Choi pt.3 and you'll be satisfied with it 😉

Written by : Solwae 👻

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