26: COME SLEEP (21+)

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It's been about two days since I made the deal with the devil... It's actually been pretty quiet around here.

I've got to spend a lot of time with my mom, and my dad some but he hates me and that'll never change, He's just scared of Seokjin.

I decided to go take a quick shower and just hang out up in my room, while I was reading I heard the door bell ring.......

I had this weird feeling in my stomach...

I got up and looked out my bedroom window and it was a nice Black car sitting out front and I had a feeling exactly who it was......

My mom yelled for me saying Seokjin was here, so I went down stairs as slow as possible....

I didn't want to see him........


I got up early this morning because I decided to go buy Yunmi a new Iphone so I can talk to her whenever I want too....

I decided to stop by this little lingerie store to buy something for her to wear for me tonight since I plan to spend the night with her....

So I got done at the mall and drove over to her house, her mom welcomed me in and I could hear Yunmi coming down the stairs and she actually looks pretty good... happier

I walked over to her and kissed her and hugged her while asking her " Has your dad been hurting you again? "..... She said " no "..... I said " Good ".

SEOKJIN:I got you something today......

YUNMI: why?

SEOKJIN: because I wanted too...

YUNMI: Thanks

I pulled the box out of the bag and handed it to her.

YUNMI: an iphone? You really didn't have to do that Jin....

SEOKJIN: I wanted too....

YUNMI: Just take it back.

SEOKJIN:Just accept the gift.

YUNMI Fine.... Thank you...

I helped her set it up and I added my phone number to her contacts...

SEOKJIN: I put my number in there so you know its me when I call or text... so we can talk when I'm not here.


This phone is just another way for him to be in control of me and everything I do and I'm sure so he can keep track of where I am at all times.

EOMMA: Seokjin would you like to stay for dinner?

SEOKJIN: Yes thank you, I actually plan to stay the night.

Eomma looked over at me and I looked down at the floor because I knew there was nothing anyone could say to change his mind. So he was staying.

I SEE YOU (21+)Where stories live. Discover now