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Things have been very weird with Jin recently.

He comes around but doesn't say much, he's always spacing out or staring off.

Our conversations have became so bland.

I can't help but think that me showing up to the house and him seeing the way Yoongi and I looked at each other may have been the cause of all of this.

I feel so guilty, like I actually cheated on him or something.

I'm in love with Yoongi, but I love Jin. I really got myself in such a mess.

Maybe I should have never went there, I was just worried.


We are just watching a show we are both into but he's doing that thing again, where he is staring off into space.

YUNMI: Jin....

He didn't even blink.


Still nothing.


I yelled while clapping.

JIN: Hmmm... Whaaaat?

As he jumped and looked over at me.

YUNMI: I want to ask you something and I want you to be honest with me... Can you do that for me?

JIN: Yeah, I guess I can.

I just gave him a weird smirk.

YUNMI: Why are you so like not here?

JIN: What do you mean? I am here...

YUNMI: No, well yeah I know you're here physically but mentally you aren't.

He looked away from me and sighed.

YUNMI: Is it because I showed up to the house to look for you?

JIN: Let's just not do this.

YUNMI: If it is, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you.

JIN: It's not that.

YUNMI: Then what is it?



There was nothing more I wanted to say to her than telling her I found Yoongi's ring in her room.

I want to confront her so badly.

I can't though. I can't just yet because I'm partially afraid of what's happened.

I'm also afraid of my own anger and the hurt I might cause her.

I guess even in my time of sadness, in my anger...

I'm still looking out for her. I'm worried about her.

I hate that its all came down to this.

JIN: It's nothing.

I stood up and started putting my shoes on and putting my stuff in my pockets.

JIN: I gotta go though, I'll text you later.

I started to walk away.

YUNMI: Jin....

I stopped.. and felt a hand wrap around my arm

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