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I opened my eyes to see nothing but darkness around me. I tried to move my arms and legs, but they were tied up.

I couldn't see anything, but I heard voices, well more like mumbles but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

I knew this party was a bad idea, if only Min-Hee would have listened to me, she wouldn't be dead, and we would have never been in this situation.

This place is dark, scary and it smells so bad.

I tried to wiggle my hands out of the handcuffs, but they were so tight on my wrists.

I think I'm lying on some kind of table it's so cold.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from the right side of where I was.

I heard keys jingling around and then the doorknob moved.

Someone opened the door, and it was so bright I couldn't make out who it was, but I looked around and the room was filled with plastic on the walls and floor and ceiling, with what I think was some blood spots.

I don't know who these men are or what they do but I know I have to find a way out.

I'm terrified and I know this isn't going to end well for me.

Suddenly I felt a cold hand slowly moving up my leg and I had a feeling I knew who this was.... oh no!

I asked him " please stop, I want to go home ".

SEOKJIN: Welcome back to us baby girl

YUNMI: omg Jin please let me go, I don't know what you want from me but please let me go, I won't tell anyone about anything that happened tonight.

Seokjin then flips the light on over top of where I was tied up. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust but they finally did, and I looked up to Seokjin with a smile slowly growing upon his face.

SEOKJIN: Baby girl, Baby girl, Baby girl.

YUNMI: fucking stop calling me that, I'm not your baby girl you sick bastard!!!!!!

Seokjin then grabs my chin with one hand and leaned down and licked my top lip.

I tried to wiggle away but he wouldn't let go of my chin, so I spit in his face. 

He then decides to smack me right across my face and made my lip bleed.

Tears started running down my face but I'm sure he didn't care.

SEOKJIN: you're so lucky I feel like taking it easy on you but next time I won't be so nice baby girl.

I continue crying.

Seokjin then took his finger and rubbed the blood off of my lip with his thumb and then licked it off his thumb.

Someone else then walked in... it was Yoongi.

He was looking at me with dark eyes and he already gave me a chill feeling down my spine as he was walking across the room toward where Jin and I were.

YOONGI: Oh, looks like I missed out on some fun ...

As he looked down at my bleeding lip.

YUNMI: why am I here? Why didn't you kill me with everyone else?

SEOKJIN: you're too precious, why would we go and do such a thing?

YUNMI: I don't have money; my parents are flat broke... so you're wasting your time.

SEOKJIN: we know.... money isn't what we want.

YUNMI: how do you know anything about me? And what do you want then?!?!?!  Please just let me go...

SEOKJIN: baby girl, you aren't going anywhere. Yoongi, would you like to tell her?

Yoongi starts to show his gummy smile.

YOONGI: we have been watching you for some time now. We know about your past and from the bruises on your body we know the truth about your father.

YUNMI: why me? Why do you want to know everything about me? I'm not that interesting!

SEOKJIN: oh, but baby girl you are very intriguing. You've dealt with abuse for years and if we didn't see the bruises, we wouldn't have known just by looking at you that you were abused. You're strong and can take a good beating, and I like that.

YOONGI: yea we really like that

Yoongi bit his lip as he walked toward me and started slowly putting his fingers under my hoodie moving them up further and further until he reached my bra and Seokjin began to kiss my neck and unbutton my shorts.

YUNMI: no... no please... anything but this.

I began to sob at this point.

YOONGI: aw are you scared baby?

SEOKJIN: (whispering in my ear) you should be!

Written by: S O L H A/ A S H

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