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MR.CHOI: Bingo.

Mr. Choi walked closer to Yunmi and punched her as hard as he could, making her fall unconscious.

He grabbed her body and jumped out her bed room window, keeping her in his arms.

Seokjin took his AR10 rifle out of his bag, he looked in the telescopic sight and shot the man who's hands were tied up with a rope, the rope hanging him up in the air.

When Jin shot him he managed to shoot him directly in the middle of his forehead.

As he shot the man blood started dripping down his lifeless body fairly quick.

SEOKJIN: Finally I can go see Yunmi.

Seokjin said putting his gun back into his bag and walking away.

He stopped walking and turned his head to the side facing a few men.

SEOKJIN: Clean this up.

The men bowed at Jin and got to their work.

Seokjin continued walking until he got to his car, he opened the door and got in, laying his bag beside him on the passenger seat.

He turned on his car and started driving to Yunmi's house, playing music on the way.

After about fifteen minutes he made it to her house.

He got out and looked back at his car before hitting the lock button on the remote to his car.

Jin walked up to Yunmi's doorstep and knocked on the door.

After a few seconds, he heard some rustling and talking soon after the talking got louder, Yunmi's mother had opened the door for Jin.

MOTHER: Hello Jin!

SEOKJIN: Hi Mrs. Park! How are you?

MOTHER: I am doing good and you?

SEOKJIN:I'm doing great!

MOTHER: That's good Jin. You should come in, I bet Yunmi wants to see you.

SEOKJIN: Thank you.

Seokjin said bowing to Yunmi's mother before walking in.

Mrs. Park smiled at him then guided him to Yunmi's room.

Seokjin smiled at Mrs. Park signaling that he wanted to be alone with Yunmi.

She winked before leaving, heading to the kitchen.

Seokjin opened the door and walked in, closing the bed room door behind him.

Before getting a rag to his nose making him go unconscious.



I put a rag that was soaked in Chloroform under Jin's nose, he passed out after about 3 seconds.

I picked him up and jumped out the window, on my way to the room where I put Yunmi.

I'll make this son of a bitch pay for what he did to my daughter.



Yunmi woke up after being unconscious for three hours.

She opened her eyes but she couldn't see anything because of a blindfold she had on.

She tried to move her arms but she couldn't because she was tied up with a rope.

YUNMI: Not again....He promised me....


A man walked into the room, making Yunmi's head face towards the door.

She heard footsteps, getting louder and louder each step.

After a few steps the person stopped.

?: Yunmi?!


That's Seokjin? What the fuck is he doing here?! Did he really kidnap me again?


SEOKJIN:Hmm? What is it baby girl?

YUNMI: Can you take the blindfold off of me?

SEOKJIN:Of course.

I felt Jin taking the blindfold off of me.

I looked around but my eyes were still adjusting to the light since it had been a while since I've seen something.

After my eyes adjusted to the light I looked at Jin with tears in my eyes.

YUNMI: I thought we had a deal?

SEOKJIN: I didn't do this to you..

YUNMI: Huh really? Who did then the boogie man?

SEOKJIN: I can't tell you baby girl..

I looked him in the eye and chuckled.

He looked at me confused then I spit in his face.

It's this dumb fucks fault why I'm here, he kidnapped me!

He smirked and looked back up at me before standing up.

He's slapped me and walked out a door, slamming the door behind him.


I was on the edge of falling asleep until I heard a door slam.

I looked up and saw a familiar figure, who is that? I don't remember who he is...Wait......Mr. Choi?

I closed my eyes so he thought I was asleep but I felt something touch my cheek.

MR.CHOI: Hello princess.

I heard movement, I think he squatted? I don't fucking know but I'm terrified....

He's always scared me..

He seemed kind of obsessed with me?

I felt his hand trace my lips then slowly go down my body..

MR.CHOI: You have a beautiful body Yunmi..

I felt my breath hitch as I felt his hand stop on my thigh, rubbing it up and down slowly.

I shot my eyes open because I heard a loud noise.

I saw Mr.Choi laying on the floor with a puddle of blood forming around his body and I saw Jin standing at the door entrance.

SEOKJIN: Nobody can touch what's mine.

Written by: Solwae 👻

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