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I woke up because I felt my head bang on something. I looked up and saw Yoongi dragging me somewhere. There was blood dripping down his neck, probably from when I hit him with the lamp. He opened a door and dragged me inside. He was about to chain me up when he saw that I was awake.

YOONGI: You're awake.

I nodded and looked down, not wanting to look him in the eye.

YOONGI: Stay here.

Yoongi got up from the squat he had to do to reach me and walked out of the door.


Yoongi walked pass multiple rooms in the hallway until he made it to the living room.

YOONGI:  She's awake, do you want to see her?

Seokjin looked up from the car he was sitting on and smirked. He leaned forward and signaled Yoongi to come closer. Yoongi came closer and looked at Seokjin.

YOONGI: What is it?

SEOKJIN: I want you to cook something for me.

Yunmi looked around the room and saw blood staining the walls, the floor was concrete, there were boxes in each corner of the room. She didn't dare to move. A few minutes later Seokjin came into the room. He gave Yunmi a sweet but creepy kind of smile.

Seokjin had a plate of food in his hand and sat beside Yunmi

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Seokjin had a plate of food in his hand and sat beside Yunmi.

SEOKJIN: I got some food for you.

Seokjin gave the plate of food to Yunmi. Yunmi looked at the plate and grabbed it.

YUNMI: Strawberries?

Seokjin nodded and watched her as she ate her first 'Strawberry.'

Yunmi had a disgusted look on her face. Seokjin smirked.

YUNMI: Jin...why....does it taste like...blood?

SEOKJIN:  It's not a strawberry! It's that little snake's brain you're eating some of with sugar added to make it sweet.

Yunmi spit out the "strawberry" on Seokjin'S face. He got pissed off fairly quick on that one.

SEOKJIN: Ungrateful little brat, aren't you? Now you're going to get it.

Seokjin got up and grabbed Yunmi's hair, he dragged her to the middle of the room where it was the lightest. He pushed her head down to the ground while she kept on trying to kick him. Seokjin was stronger than Yunmi due to the fact that he trained for this. Seokjin tied her hands to the ceiling; she was now hanging from the ceiling. Seokjin started using her body as a punching bag and hitting her and hard as he could on her arms, legs, and stomach. He didn't dare to hit her face. Seokjin grabbed a box-cutter from a bag he brought into the room.

SEOKJIN: Don't move or else this will be worse.

Seokjin pulled her shirt down a little bit; he moved the box-cutter up to her collarbone and traced 'SJ' into her skin. Yunmi stayed in her place not wanting to get hurt more. Tears started streaming down Yunmi's face.

SEOKJIN: It's done baby girl.

Seokjin pulled the box-cutter away from Yunmi's collarbone and put it back on its bag. Seokjin was about to do something else when the door flew open, Yoongi came in.

YOONGI:  Why are you having fun without me?

SEOKJIN: Come here and have your fun then.

Yoongi smirked and ran towards Yunmi. He grabbed a baseball bat that was beside her. Seokjin left the room and Yoongi dropped the baseball bat. He untied Yunmi but had a hold of her hand. He sat down, so did Yunmi.

YOONGI:  Something's wrong with me..I can usually do this but today. I can't.

Written by : Solwae 👻

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