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Seokjin and I have been spending more and more time together and he hasn't been an asshole like he usually was.

He has been kinda sweet, and caring. He can't stand my dad and lets be real none of us can but he deals with him to do things for me.

Last week Jin said he wanted to redecorate my bedroom because well it's kind of ugly and dark.

I told him not to but he just does what he wants to do, especially if he thinks he's doing something I like.

Hes a bit of an extremist, is what I'm starting to learn.

There is no in between with Seokjin.

He was sleeping over last week and was complaining how uncomfortable my bed was, and he was asking for me to come back with him but I would rather be here than there.


I was getting ready for the day because Jin and I were going and looking for decent bedroom furniture, when I say decent I mean decent in his opinion but glamorous in mine.

He knew I hated when he spent money on me because in a way I feel like it's only a matter of time before he tries to use it against me, and that's something I don't want to deal with from anyone.

Considering my father put me through it since Woozi died.

I heard a knock at the bathroom door.

I opened the door to see a Smiling Jin looking back at me.

SEOKJIN: Good morning baby girl!

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SEOKJIN: Good morning baby girl!

I slightly rolled my eyes at him and continued on into the bedroom out of the bathroom.

YUNMI: Good morning.

I looked over at him and his eye brows furrowed a little.

YUNMI: Why the face?

SEOKJIN: I just get a good morning, No handsome or cutie or even a SEXY?

YUNMI: Oh my gosh.....

I walked over to him and looked him in the eyes.

YUNMI: Good morning Mr. Worldwide Handsome.

I said with a smile.

SEOKJIN: That's more like it.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead before letting me go and sitting down on the bed.

SEOKJIN: I can't wait to have a nice big comfy bed in here for the both of us to sleep in every night.

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