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YUNMI: He's going to kill me

YOONGI: or all of us

I felt this lump start to form in my throat as the seconds went on. I knew what I was feeling was anxiety but I couldn't stop it from happening.

I've had anxiety attacks in the past, so I eventually learned to work through them the best I could.

This time it was different, I really felt like I was dying. This anxiety attack was so much worse than the rest.

I started crying and fell to my knees to the floor.

YOONGI: Hey, are you alright?

YUNMI: I....

I couldn't even say any real words.

YOONGI: Can you talk to me? You gotta just breathe and calm down.

Tears fell down my cheeks, the panic was really set in at this point.

YUNMI: Don't tell me to calm... calm down

As I was taking deep breaths in between each word.

YOONGI: Just focus on something, take deeper breaths.

He was really trying to help me, but all I could think about was Jin, and what he planned to do to me.

What he planned to do to my family. Will I be in that bucket of acid? Will we all?


I yelled..

I focused my eyes on this little elephant knick knack my mom had on a corner shelf.

I remember back to the day my dad got it as a gift for my mom.

My father and I, and Woozi... 

We went to this little gift shop in our neighborhood at the time it was his and my moms anniversary so he wanted to do something nice for her and she has always had a love for elephants, they always made her think of peace and love.

Focusing on that elephant brought me back to that peaceful loving moment. I'll never forget that day.

My dad took us to an ice cream shop after we got the gift and then the park... the park where my life as I knew it ended. It wasn't on that day but it happened not long after.

That day was filled with love and warmth and was all about family.

I finally calmed down, and zoned back in to reality and what was going on around me.

YOONGI: Yunmi...

I looked at him...

YUNMI: You have to go....

YOONGI: I want to protect you.

YUNMI: Protect me? by showing up here? when he could come back at any time? Thats not fucking smart

He looked at me with a cold look in his eyes.

YOONGI: We have to make a move Yunmi, were as good as dead.

YUNMI: He could have already killed me if he really wanted to... but he hasn't.

YOONGI: He's been quiet?

YUNMI: Yeah..

YOONGI: He's pondering on his plan Yunmi, You know him better than that. He moves with a motive.

I SEE YOU (21+)Where stories live. Discover now