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(Read this while listening to Brother by Kodaline.)


I have to leave this place, I killed a little kid..

I walked inside our house and up the stairs, heading to my room.

I grabbed my black school bag that I don't use anymore and set it on the bed.

I grabbed a few pairs of jeans, a couple shirts, and some socks.

I grabbed my phone charger and my laptop then walked out of my room.

JUNGKOOK: Hyung? What are you doing?

I stoped walking and looked at Jungkook.

I hugged him then walked outside.

Jungkook followed me outside and kept on shouting my name.

I kept walking til I could barely hear him yelling my name..

I feel bad for leaving him there.

I don't know where I am going but I'll find some place.

I just need some time to myself right now.

Poor kid..

I walked to a place that looked like no one lived and I saw an abandoned train.

I'll stay there for now..

I walked to the train and sat my bags down.

I jumped inside of it, which was hard to do.

I saw a mattress, it's like it was waiting for me.

I sat down on it and started wondering what I'm going to do with my life now.

Maybe I'll become a rapper? No, that's to dangerous now that I've killed people..

Maybe I should go back? No..They'll make me do it again. Mother's house? She doesn't..love me anymore...after she heard I joined the gang she disowned me.

Father doesn't even know who I am.

He got so many girls pregnant then he left them just to get another girl pregnant.

I don't want kids now that I realize that I might not be able to handle it..

I really don't want to be like him.

He doesn't know me, meaning he doesn't love me.

I mean you can't love someone you don't know.

I was so deep into my thoughts when I heard my phone vibrate it scared me.

I looked and saw so many missed calls and messages..

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