Chapter 10: Confrontation

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Lorna's POV:
I arrive back at the HQ and enter my room to find Dawn fast asleep in her crib and a note on my bed. I pick up the note and read it 'Call Marcos and John. I can't tell you what happened while you were gone but they can. Signed Clarice' Today?! What happened today? I put the note down and go over to check on Clarice and see her asleep and put a blanket on her. I wipe the few tears on her face and make sure she's comfortable, and I leave and go back to my room. I open the vent with my powers and dial Marcos' number, "Hello?" I hear Marcos' voice, "Hey, Clarice told me to call you? About what happened today?" I hear him sigh, "You have to promise NOT to confront Reeva or show you know what happened." I reluctantly agree and Marcos explains what happened, "Caitlin says you need to watch her, with how many tests they performed and didn't give her body time to have a break; she might collapse or get sick." I sigh, "Why couldn't she tell me herself?" I ask and I hear John answer before Marcos could, "Reeva threatened to kill me if she told you or Esme." Now I'm pissed, "I'm going to kill that Bi-" Marcos cuts me off, "NO, you do that then you put Clarice in more danger and put a bounty on John. You can not confront her." I want to protest, but know he's right, "Ok fine, as soon as I'm able to I will be." Dawn starts crying since she just woke up, so I go over and pick her up.I begin rocking her trying to get her back asleep, "I have to go someone is out in the hall." I hang up and hide the phone. Reeva opens the door, "I came to ask how the supply run went." I have to keep my cool, "It went fine," a idea pops in my head, "Is Clarice ok? I went into her room when I came back and she was sleeping but had tear stains and tears on her face." Reeva clearly tenses up and sighs deeply, "Clarice is fine she just had a bad training session." I really want to punch her, but kept my composure, "Oh ok." I finally got Dawn asleep again and lay her back in her crib, "Well, dinner will be done soon." With that Reeva leaves my room and I go over to Clarice's room. When I enter Clarice is laying on her side awake staring at the wall. I call out her name softly, "Clarice?" I don't get a response, but Clarice shifts her gaze towards me. I walk over to the bed and crouch in front of her, "Marcos told me what happened, I promise we will get you out of here." Esme enters the room, "Dinner is ready." I nod at her and turn back to Clarice, "I'll be back ok?" Clarice nods and I stand back up and leave with Esme, "I need to talk to you, tonight." I state quietly and she nods her head in response. We head towards the dining area, after I got Dawn. I make a plate of food for Clarice and a cup of water. I start leaving the dinning area, "Hey, where you going, green?" I hear Max say behind me, "I am bringing food to Clarice." I leave before anyone could ask. I get back to her room and enter, seeing her now sitting up and watching the TV in her room, "Hey, I brought some food." Clarice looks at me, "Thank you." I nod and set the food down in front of her, "I'm gonna go back to the dining area so nobody gets suspicious of me being in here so long." Clarice nods and I head back to the dining area. I sit down with my plate of food next to Dawn and begin eating while listening to the conversations happening around me. Until Rebecca asks me a question, "How do you know her?" I look at her confused, "Know who?" Everyone stops their conversations and is now facing the two of us, "Elf girl." I furrow my brow, "First off her name is Clarice. Second The Underground and I saved her when she had just escaped a Sentinel Service's maximum security prison and was on the run and was hiding in an abandoned warehouse a year ago." I was getting agitated since she was talking about Clarice in a very condescending way, "Rebecca let's just leave it be. Clarice is a nice pers-" Andy began but was cut off by Rebecca putting her hand up to stop him from continuing, "I'm just asking some questions, Andy." Andy looks at me with a 'I'm sorry' look. I nod at him and prepare myself for the next barrage of questions, "What's up with the markings and eyes? I've never seen mutant with those before. I know mutants can gain characteristics when they get their mutation, but I've never seen them to that extent." I sigh, "That is part of her mutation, I knew a mutant who was entirely black with white cracks here and there. My green hair is part of my mutation, like her purple hair is." I am very annoyed by this point since it really is none of her business. Dawn was now fussing since I was now raising my voice a bit. I pick Dawn up, "We're done here Rebecca." With that I put my plate up and take Dawn back towards my room until I notice that Clarice is still awake and she has barely touched her food. I go into her room and set Dawn down on one of the chairs in there and go up to Clarice, "You need to eat Clarice. I know you don't trust the food or drinks they serve, but I checked it and made sure there was nothing in it. I'll stay in here if you need me to." I get her to eat and drink the water I brought her. I take the water bottle that Esme brought the other night and go to throw it away as it was empty, when I notice something at the bottom. I lift the bottle up and notice a powder, "Hey, Clarice did you put anything in the water Esme brought?" I turn to face her and she shakes her head, "No, I didn't do anything to the water." I sigh and almost throw the bottle out of anger, "I'm gonna go talk to Esme, ok? I'm gonna leave Dawn in here." I leave with that.

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