Chapter 15: Heist

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Illyana's POV:
We get to the Inner Circle HQ and I'm surprised at how tall it is, "I hope you'll be able to find her in this place." I say. Cannonball makes an entry point, "Esme send you an image of your friends room?" I ask. Polaris nods and shows me. I activate my powers and teleport into the room, "Cozy." I note. I open the door and am greeted by a hallway, "Lets have some fun shall we?" I murmur. I search for life forms nearby and find none, so I advance forward and look around the corner. I see Reeva and what I assume to be, the rest of the circle. I turn the lights off and they all look around, "The hell.." A women says. I teleport behind her, "Boo." I say. I teleport away right before she turns and takes a swing, "The hell you doing?" A large black man says (It's Tico before I'm yelled at. Chill). The women turns back around, "Someone just talked behind me." She says. I teleport behind the teenage girl with brown hair and push her into the coffee table. I teleport away again, "Rebecca?!" The white haired boy says. I sense the triplets trying to detect an outsider so I telepathically cloak myself, "Nobody is here!" They say together. I teleport in front of them, "Boo." I say. I teleport into the rafters above, "SHOW YOURSELF!" Reeva yells. The elevator opens, "Knock knock." Polaris says from the elevator." I told you the green head wasn't trustworthy!" The women with brown hair yells. I teleport back down and grab Reeva, "Killing Rictor was a mistake." I growl. I put my sword against her throat as Sunspot activates his powers (causing him to be a walking flame), "I'm trying to help us! To fight for mutants!" Reeva says. I laugh, "You killed a 15 year old.. and ran." I kick the back of Reeva's knee and Polaris puts a piece of metal around Reeva's mouth, "That's taken care of. Andy you can come over now." The Strucker girl says, "Sounds good." The Strucker boy responds. The teenage girl widens her eyes, "ANDY!" She yells. Andy.. I guess shrugs, "I don't agree with kidnapping/ murdering people." He says. I stand in front of Reeva, "Remember me?" Reeva widens her eyes, "Don't ever mess with a Rasputina." Polaris clears her throat, "You've.. got a.. um..." I realize Lockheed manifested. I decide to leave Lockheed with Reeva, "Lockheed... was a imaginary friend at one point but.. I managed to make him real somehow." I shrug. Polaris nods, "Where's Rahne and Julio?" I hear Esme ask. I look at her, "Rahne is helping look for your friend and..." I stop myself. Esme looks concerned, "Illyana.. where. Is. Julio?" I look at Reeva trying to dodge Lockheed's smoke. I look at her, "Reeva approached the 6 of us in the ally.. for us to join and we refused. Rict- Julio... got us out.. but.. he.." I couldn't finish. Esme caught on and the two of us embrace each other.
John's POV:
I start getting worried/ frustrated, since we have broken into multiple rooms now and they've come up empty. I then hear the faint noise of sobbing, "Hold on." I tell Rahne. I crouch down and put my hand on the ground. My foresight shows me that she's a couple hallways ahead, "I've got her!" I yell. I start sprinting and Rahne follows in wolf form. I find the room the noise is coming from and break the door down. Campbell is startled and falls off the chair. Rahne approaches Campbell, baring her teeth, "Keep him back." I see Clarice restrained on a table.. and my heart drops. Clarice is pale as a ghost, she's sweating, breathing rapidly, has multiple bruises, cuts, and a sloppily wrapped bandage around one of her legs. I break the restraints, "Clarice? It's just John... we're getting you out of here." I tell her. I pick her up and she yelps in pain, "I know.. we're going to get you help." Marcos runs in, "Grab him." I say. Marcos grabs Campbell by the collar and pushes him forward. Marcos keeps his hand on him, "You try anything.. I will burn you." He says. We get to the elevator and ride the elevator up to the living area. The doors open and I see the entire Inner Circle (Minus Andy and Esme) restrained with metal. Lorna even made personalized restraints to make sure they can't use their powers, "Lets go." I say. We get to the bottom floor and are greeted with Turner and other purifiers, "Surender!" Turner yells. I shake my head, "We aren't the problem here, Turner! You want the problem? Here they are!" Lorna pulls the Inner Circle members forward. I adjust Clarice, "These are the guys who killed humans! They kidnapped and torture one of their own! I'm sorry that you lost your daughter in 7/15.. but none of us were responsible!" I say. I notice Clarice's breathing get shallower, "I don't care if you blame us.. but get out of my way.. I need to get Clarice help." I say. I start walking to the car that was behind the purifiers, "Weapons down." Turner says. A man with a mustache points the gun at Clarice and I, "TED! Weapons down!" Turner yells. The man.. Ted goes to pull the trigger but Lorna breaks his gun. The rest of the group give the Inner Circle to the purifiers and then get into the car. We start rushing back to the Mutant Underground, "I-It... hurts." Clarice whispers. I grab her hand, "I know we're almost there." I tell her. Illyana teleports us into the apartment where Caitlin is waiting, "She's in bad shape." I tell her.
Caitlin's POV:
John lays Clarice onto the bed and I notice the IV still in her hand, "I need to get this out.." I say. I take the tape off and get a cotton ball, "Ok.. I'm gonna take it out." I gently pull the IV out and put the cotton ball on the bleeding area. I tape it down and start treating the wound on her leg. I unwrap it to find a bullet wound that was poorly treated. I need to get the bullet out. I don't think she'd be able to get through it awake, so I go to my box of medical supplies and find Propofol. I find a syringe and quickly fill the syringe with the medication. I go back to Clarice and clean an area of her arm, "This is going to help." I tell her. I administer the medication and start getting stuff ready. I go back over and see Clarice asleep, so I put a towel underneath her leg. I get the bullet out and start to stitch the wound. I finish stitching it and wrap it with bandages. I treat other cuts that needed to be stitched and wrap her wrists as well, due to them being swollen. I put my supplies away, "Will she be ok?" Lorna asks from the hallway. I sigh, "I believe so... I've done all I can. We can only hope." I say. Zingo then barrels his way in, but John stops him before he can jump on the bed, "Be gentle.. Clarice is hurt." He says. Zingo's ears drop down and he climbs onto the bed gently. Zingo then lays down with his head on Clarice's stomach. Lorna smiles, "Let's let Clarice rest.. and Zingo too." She says. The three of us leave and I quietly shut the door.

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