Chapter 9: Tests

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Reeva's POV;
Lorna, Max, Heather, Tico, and Esme left a few hours ago and the doctors are ready for Clarice. I enter her room and am relieved to see she is still asleep, the doctors added a mild sedative to the water that I gave Esme for Clarice to take. I signal for some doctors to come and put Clarice in a wheelchair. I follow the doctors as they roll her into the room and transfer her to the chair and put wrist and ankle restraints on her. They put an IV in her hand and then we wait for her to awaken. After a bit she stirs and panics trying to break out of the restraints. I stand there as she stops trying to break the restraints but is panicking. The doctors begin putting electrodes on her and wires as well as a bag of fluids connected to her IV. They began testing.
30 minutes later
Only a few tests effected her powers; none of them dangerously. They were giving her a break from testing before they did the last and most painful test. I went in the room and Clarice lifted her head to see who opened the door, but quickly put it back down. I walk over to her and put my finger on her chin and lifts it to have her look at me. Clarice jerks away and from the quick look I got she had tears on her face. I frown and look at the doctor, "Continue." Clarice begins panicking again as they hook up the different wires and monitors and I stay in the room as they did the last test, soon portals were overtaking the room. I attempt to use my powers to stop her, but that was ineffective. A doctor scrambles and puts the mild sedative in her IV and soon her hands go limp and her head rolls forward. While she is sedated the doctors took out the IV and checked her vitals. Clarice wakes up and I begin talking, "We are done with our tests, so you will be allowed to leave, BUT," I pause for a moment, "If you tell Lorna or Esme, I will make sure John Proudstar is found and killed in the most horrible way possible. Am I understood?" Clarice nods erratically, "Good you may leave." The doctors undo her restraints and she leaves the room as fast as possible.
Clarice's POV:
I make it to my room and I sit slowly on my bed. I don't want to sleep since I don't want to be taken away again without me knowing. I decide to use the burner phone in Lorna's room, so I grab the paper that was hidden under the cushion. I slip out of room and enter Lorna's. Dawn is playing in her play pen and looks up at me when I enter. I go to the vent Lorna said it was in and make a portal underneath it. The phone falls through and lands on her bed; I go over to the bed and pick up the phone. I lock the door and dial the number on the paper. I put it up to my ear and listen to it ring, "Hello?" I hear Marcos' voice, "Hey, Marcos." I say back quietly, "Clarice?!?" Marcos sounds surprised to say the least, "Lorna went on a supply run, and told me about the burner phone; she gave me the number she uses to call you." It was silent for a minute, "You don't sound good are you ok?" I bit my lip. I want to tell someone, although Reeva said not to tell Lorna and Esme, not Marcos, "I just had "tests" run on me.. they," I hesitate, "What did they do Clarice?" Marcos said in a sort of parental tone, "They hooked me up to different wires and monitors and kept shocking me, putting different medications in the IV they inserted, and just made me hurt a lot." My voice broke a few times saying that, but I didn't break down. I sit down and suddenly the door is forcefully opened. I hide the phone failing to hang it up and Reeva walks in, "What are you doing in here?" I panic a bit my breath picking up, "I was checking on Dawn. Lorna gave me permission to come in here and play with her if I'd like to. I was just looking for a toy that she threw." Reeva raises an eyebrow, "Then why was the door locked?" I respond immediately, "I guess it was locked when I got here; I made a portal into here since Dawn enjoys watching my portals open and close." I hope she believes me, "I see, I'll close it back and you can lock it if you want, but exit the room through the door." Reeva stalks out of the room and I wait for her to be far away before I close the door and lock it. I pick the phone back up, "Clarice? Are you ok? What's happening?!?" I explain, "Reeva came in so I was making up a story." I hear John in the back, "Clarice? Is Clarice on the phone?" I hear a noise from the other end and then Marcos spoke, "Clarice, your on speaker. John and I can hear you." I smile, "Hey John." John spoke, "Hey, Clarice how are you? You don't sound well." I restate what I told Marcos about the tests I went through this morning, "Have you told Lorna?" I look at Dawn who was looking at me and reaches out for me. I went over and pick her up, "I- I can't, R-Reeva s-said," I pause and look down at Dawn who has laid her head on my chest and was playing with my shirt, "What did she say?" I exhale a shuddering breath, "Reeva said she'd see to it th-that J-John would be k-ki-killed if I told Lorna or Esme." I feel a tear slide down my face, and stunned silence on the other end of the phone, "Tell Lorna to call me when she gets back. You rest, I know you don't want to, but you need to sleep. I'm sure Lorna wouldn't care if you slept in her room." I decide against protesting, "I'll try, bye." I hung up and put the phone back in the vent. I put Dawn in her crib after she fell asleep on my chest. I write a note to Lorna explaining that she needs to call Marcos and I go to my room. I don't trust the pills so I don't take them, but I was dehydrated. I drink some of the water Lorna gave me last night and lay down. I fall asleep soon after.

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