Chapter 8: Bonding

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Lorna's POV:
Training is going well, Clarice is still distrusting of everyone, but she's doing good. Rebecca and Andy were knocking the hologram guards out, while Clarice was opening a portal to get through a 15 ft wall. Clarice gets through the wall and goes to leave, "Clarice, your not allowed to leave yet. I want to you to keep practicing your powers." Reeva says over the intercom I go over to her, "Last time she pushed her self she went into shock and almost tore apart the underground headquarters with her portals. Unless you want that to happen here I'd let her leave." I say almost threateningly. Reeva looks at me, "Continue practice." I scoff and go down to the training room. Clarice looks relieved, "You ok?" I ask. Clarice discreetly shakes her head, "I just want to go back to the Morlock's, or even just go to the Underground and see Zingo." Ever since Clarice arrived at the underground, John's border collie, Zingo, and her have been inseparable. After John said that it would be safer for Clarice to be with the Morlock's, Clarice went back every once in a while to see Zingo and the team. I put my hand on her shoulder, "I know, Esme and I will get you out of here. I'm sure John will be body guarding you after we do. You'll have plenty of time with Zingo." Clarice smiles a bit. I look up at the observation booth Reeva staring at us but she quickly looks away when I look up at her. I turn back to Clarice and see she has tears running down her face. I pull her into a hug as she silently cries. I lead her away and back to her room. Clarice has apologized twice already, but I wasn't worried about it. We arrive in her room and I sit her down on her bed and I sit next to her. It takes me about 10 minutes to get her calm.  Clarice lays her head on my shoulder, "I will get you out of here." I promise to her. I put Clarice's head on my lap and I began tracing circles on her back, and hum the tune I hum Dawn to get her to sleep. Clarice has her eyes half closed when I gently move her to where she was laying down on her bed. I keep humming as I put a blanket on her. I sit on the bed and keep tracing circles on her back. Clarice's eyes closed and her even breathing fills the room. I move some of her hair out of her face and wipe some tears that were still on her face. I get off the bed and slip out of the room. I go to my room and get out my burner phone that is in the vent and call Marcos, "Hello?" I hear Marcos' voice, "Hey Marcos." Marcos takes no time to respond, "Hey Lorna, How's Clarice?" I sigh, "I just got her asleep, after a bit of a panic attack. We need to get her out of here, Reeva is pushing her more and more. Max is being a creep, Rebecca is treating her like crap, and Reeva is having the Triplets search her mind." Marcos sighs, "I can't believe this. I thought even Reeva would be nice to Clarice and treat her correctly." I hum my agreement, "Dawn has made friends with Clarice. That was cute to walk into, Dawn was just tracing her markings and eventually fell asleep while she was holding her. It keeps her happy though." Marcos laughs, "That's good at least." I hear a noise outside, "Someone's outside. I have to go." I hang up and hide the phone. I open my door and am met with The triplets at my door, "Is there something you need?" I display clear annoyance in my tone, "We were wondering where Clarice was." I raise an eyebrow, "Clarice is asleep in her room and you will leave her alone. I find out you went in her head I will kill the three of you personally." They walk off but Esme comes by again later, "That was intimidating." Esme jokes. I laugh, "Yeah sorry about that. Needed to be convincing." Esme nods, "How is she?" I motion her inside and shut the door, "Clarice is scared here, she had a break down in training and I had to lead her back to her room and it took me 10 minutes to get her calmed down. I laid her down and just got her asleep after a bit." Esme was about to say something but I shush her since I hear faint crying and I get up and found the source, Clarice. I go to her room and find her sat up in her bed her knees drawn to her chest head resting on her knees. I go over and sit on the bed, "Clarice?" I whisper. Clarice lifts her head and looks at me, her eyes were red and puffy, she also has tear stains and fresh tears running down her face. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me. I put my hand on the side of her head and hold her while she cries quietly.
Esme's POV:
I enter Clarice's room where Lorna had just entered and see Lorna on the bed holding Clarice while she cries. Lorna looks at me and mouths 'can you do something?' I nod and use my powers and Clarice slowly stops crying and falls asleep so I stop. Lorna looks at me, "Thank you." I nod and Lorna lays her down. Lorna covers Clarice in her blanket and stands up. I shut the curtains and walk over to Lorna, "We have to find a way to get her to sleep." Lorna states, "I can talk to our doctor here, and see if I can get some medication?" Lorna nods, "I just have to convince her to use it." We leave and Reeva was waiting outside, and Lorna talks before Reeva could ask, "Clarice is asleep, so leave her be, she just had a break down and Esme had to use her telepathy to get her asleep." Reeva looks at me, "Actually we need to run tests on her. That's why the Triplets came, they are to see how her powers react." Lorna looks angry, "Clarice is NOT a test subject you will leave her alone! I can not believe you! I joined this team to give Mutants a better future, NOT to kidnap mutants, experiment on mutants, or to hurt anyone! Mutant or humans! You will leave her alone!" Lorna enters Clarice's room again shutting the door quietly. Reeva looks at me, "Get your siblings. I want to talk to them." I nod and get Sophie and Phoebe. Reeva dismisses me and I leave.
Reeva's POV:
"I will have those tests done. We will send Lorna and Esme on a supply run maybe a few others to lessen suspicion. We will have restrain her for the tests to be done." Sophie and Phoebe nod, "Good, these tests will happen tomorrow." I call a meeting. Everyone arrives, "Lorna, Esme, Max, Heather, and Tico will go on a supply run. We have to go to a warehouse on the other side of town since our normal places are being guarded by Sentinel Services." Lorna sighs and goes off to most likely tell Clarice. I sent Phoebe to our medical wing and to ask about sleep medication. The doctor handed me a bottle and I head back to Clarice's room.
Clarice's POV:
I open my eyes slowly after somebody was shaking me awake. Lorna was there, "Hey I have to go on a supply run tomorrow. Esme is coming with me on this run. Your gonna be here alone tomorrow." I sit up, my breathing already picking up. Lorna sits down on the bed, "Clarice, you don't need to panic. Deep breaths, in, out." I mimic Lorna's breathing and calm down, "What do I do? Do I just stay here and avoid everyone?" Lorna sighs, "You just need to be safe. I know it's tempting to try to escape, but you can't. You have to wait for us to be out of the base ok?" I nod. Esme comes in and hands Lorna a bottle and bottle of water. Lorna thanks her and turns back to me, "These are gonna help you sleep, ok? I know you don't want Esme telepathically putting you to sleep every night, so just try them if they don't help we will find another option." I contemplate this for a bit, and then look up at her and nod. Lorna opens the bottle and takes two pills out, and grabs a bottle of water. I takes the two pills, "I won't be here when you wake up, if you want to stay in here that's ok. I told Reeva to stay away from you, if she bugs you tell me when I get back. I have a burner phone in my room you can use to call me." Lorna hands me a piece of paper with a number, "You can call Marcos with that. I'm sure he will let you talk with John. Make sure the door is locked and listen for people outside." I nod and we talk for a while and catch up. Lorna leaves after she is summoned by Reeva. I look around the room and find the TV remote that accompanied the TV in the room, and I turn it on and browse for a while, and find a show called "Stranger Things" and decide to turn it on since I have nothing better to do. After a while of watching the show, which is an amazing by the way, I turn the TV off and go to bed, and I fall asleep shortly after.

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