Chapter 4: The Stay

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Lorna's POV:
I make my way to the room Clarice is being held in during the night, so nobody would be monitoring her cameras. Stupidly all the door handles were metal, so I easily unlock the door. The windows were blacked out and a single security camera in the corner. I turn the camera off  and close the door behind me locking it from the inside. Clarice is on the bed asleep, I quickly move towards the bed and start shaking her. She slowly wakes up and shot up panics, "Whoa, Whoa, hey it's me Lorna." She looks at me her eyes a brighter green than normal, "L-Lorna?" She looks at me before putting her head in her hands, "Where am I?" I sigh as I sit down on the bed, "Your in the Inner Circle's headquarters everyone else is asleep, which is why I came, I need to keep up my front of being committed to them and loyal." She looks at me then we hear the door knob turn she sits there still I hide in the closet. "Lorna it's me Esme." I sigh of relief.
Esme's POV:
I sense Clarice waking up, my sisters do as well but tell me to go back to sleep. I said I had to go get a cup of water, but instead I went towards her room. I sense Lorna's presence and open the door. Clarice looks at me clearly terrified. "Lorna it's me Esme." Lorna comes out of the closet and Clarice relaxes a bit. "Do you know what they are planning to do?" Lorna spits out, "I don't know... my understanding is they are gonna try to convince her, or...." I trail off, Clarice tenses, Lorna stares, "Or..?" I look at her, "...or me and my sisters make her." Clarice starts panicking I watch Lorna go and grab her by the shoulders and trying to calm her. Clarice calms down after a few minutes, Lorna and I share a glance. Lorna turned back to Clarice, "We have to leave it's almost Dawn. I'll be back to see you when I can, ok?" I nudge Lorna and she looks at me and nods. Lorna whispers something to Clarice and stands up. Lorna and I leave the room Lorna locks it behind her.
Clarice's POV:
Lorna and Esme left the room and I was left alone sitting on the bed. I run my fingers through my hair and decide to try to portal out. I produce a portal but didn't go through it since it was somewhere I didn't recognize. I close the portal and sigh. I lay down and stare at the ceiling. Somebody unlocks the door and opens it. The triplets came in, "Time to train," they say in unison. They toss some clothes at me, "We'll let you change." Once again in unison, they left the room closing the door behind them. I examine the clothes then put them on. I sat there for a while until they open the door again, "Time to go." I hesitantly follow looking around to remember what the interior looks like to try to portal out later. Sage came up to me and put multiple monitors on me. I look at her and she just glares back, she never liked me very much, ever since I was brought into the Underground she despised me, I suppose it was because John paid attention to me more than her, but I don't know the real reason. I was put in a training room and saw another girl with brown hair in a high ponytail and brown eyes. The girl looked at me then looked at the box in front of her. "Rebecca I'd like you to meet Clarice." Rebecca looks at me and walks towards me. I silently watch Rebecca walk towards me, she stops a few inches away and studies me. I look up at the see through glass spotting Lorna, The triplets, Reeva, and Sage. A boy with white hair came through a door I recognize him almost immediately, "Andy?!" Andy looks up at me, "Clarice! Did you agree to join?" I look at him bewildered, "If you count kidnapping me forcefully and locking me in a room as joining, then yes." I cross my arms raising an eyebrow, "Well, since everyone is in the training room we can begin, Rebecca can go first, then Andy, and Finally Clarice. I have a training course set up for all of you to do. The goal? Get from A to B." Reeva announces through the PA. "You expect me to play your games? I was living my life until you decided to abduct me and hold me captive, and you expect me to listen and do as you say?" I yell up to the people in the window watching. Lorna has a smirk, Esme looks concerned, Sage and the other two triplets look angry, and Reeva looks smug. Reeva inhaled and let out a high note and I can't think. I grabbed my head and the noise ceased. "Let me make this clear..." Reeva walked out of the viewing area and came down. Reeva stopped few inches away from me, "..I make the rules and you obey if you don't I'll resort to the triplets making you obey," she move my hair out of the way exposing my entire face and try to pull away, staring at me intensely. I got uncomfortable and kept try to pull away, but she kept me on the spot, "I will speak with you after this session." She walks back up to the booth and left me alone with Rebecca and Andy.

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