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Gabriel's POV:

The Hell lord leaves me alone in his room, but I  feel no more relaxed than I did when he was in the room. I'm scared for my damn life at this point, and I'm still hurt over the fact that my parents had another son that they never told me about and that they abused!

I almost hope I get to meet my brother some day and tell him that I wished I'd been told about him and that I never wished to be his replacement. If what this idiot demon says is true, I can see why my brother is so hurt and wanted to take revenge, but I wish that it didn't mean I was involved.

It's not my fault that my parents messed up, and had I known, I would have been for sure on my brother's side! Nothing my parents have done for me excuses the abuse that my brother endured.

"Amity, darling, we should leave him be," a soft voice says from the hallway. "Alastor said he was not adjusting well."

Another voice, another female, sighs in response. "If Alastor has take interest-"

"He said the boy was a slave, not a love interest."

That upsets me, but I'm rooting for the first voice because I really don't want anyone to see me, especially since I'm not supposed to talk to anyone. I was never a rebellious kid, but I really want to rebel against the demon. The only thing holding me back is the fear of being raped by a bunch of demons.

No one can save me here, so I need to play smart. Maybe I can trick him into letting me go eventually?

I scoff at my own thoughts.

He's literally the Devil.

"I'm going in, you can stay here," the woman who I think is called Amity says, and the door bursts open seconds later.

I look up at the two women who walk in, suddenly realizing that I am still very naked and only wearing a towel. As I'm about to jump up, one of them women walks over to the closet and tosses me a shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Here you go," she says, her dark eyes glowing in the already shadowy room. "You can change, we've seen it all before."

I still go to the bathroom so I can change and keep my privacy.

"He's clearly not comfortable," the woman with pale skin that was wearing a suit says, probably to Amity. "Let's give him space."

Amity pouts, her annoyed whine flowing through the air. "But I want to talk to him!" she complains. "We need to make sure Alastor is treating him right."

"He's a slave."


Even if the demons here know that, it still hurts to hear out loud.

"He is not!" Amity argues. "Alastor told us he felt sick when he thought of forcing himself on this boy, and he's never felt regret like that before!"


Psycho demon pervert wasn't going to rape me?

"Fine, fine," the other woman finally says, agreeing with Amity. "Human, come out here please!"

Part of me wonders what Alastor will do if I speak to them. How would he even know? Honestly, I'm worried for these women and what Alastor would do to them if he found out their in his room with me.

Despite my worries, I slink out of the bathroom and look between the two women, finally observing them.

The one in the suit is taller than her partner, with light skin and piercing eyes shadowed by eyeliner and eyeshadow. She reminds me of the goth girls at school, but she can actually pull it off.

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