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Gabriel's POV:

"Good morning, your majesties," the doctor says, bowing to Alastor and giving a shorter bow to me. "Are you ready to discover the gender of your child?"

I nod eagerly, hopping up on the chair and making Alastor gasp, worried I'm going to hurt the baby with my movements.

"Ah, relax," I tell him, grabbing Alastor's hand. "Baby will be fine if I move."

He doesn't seem happy with how relaxed I am, but he doesn't comment either. Instead, he just sits down beside me on the chair in the room and orders the doctor to get going with his test.

"Please cease to move," the doctor says, squeezing the gel all over my stomach. "I have never had to discover a gender before, so it will take me a bit longer."

I don't really care, I just want to know the gender. I guess that demons don't really care about finding out the gender, but I have always wanted to know what the gender would be if I ever had a wife who was pregnant.

You know, when I was straight.

"Alright," the doctor murmurs, rubbing the wand that he uses over my stomach and staring at the top, narrowing his eyes.

After a few minutes of silence, a smile curls on his lips.

"Did you find it?" I ask, extremely excited to know what gender my baby will be. "What is it?!"

The doctor looks between me and Alastor. "You're having a boy, your majesties."

Alastor smiles, grabbing a paper towel and wiping my stomach clean of the gel. "That's great," he says, and I can sense his excitement, but I know he's trying to reign it in. "I'm so proud of you, my love."

"Thank you," I say, getting off of the chair and grabbing Alastor's hand. "Come on, we need to go brainstorm names."

Alastor hums in agreement, thanking the doctor as we leave.

We walk back to our room and sit down on the bed, and I'm immediately thinking of names that I'd like to have for my baby. I want my baby to have a good name and I'm so close to meeting him that I don't think I can wait much longer.

"We're so close to meeting him," I say, touching my belly. "Only a couple of months."

Alastor nods. "And because demon babies grow so quick, it could be even sooner."

"Is it bad if he's born early?"

"No, because he will be a demon and immortal, since I'm the one who impregnated you. While we are on the topic, I plan on keeping you around so we need to discuss making you an immortal."

My brain short circuits. I knew that the topic would come up, since all of my friends in Cincinnati who weren't originally immortal had become demons or, in Kayden's case, a vampire. 

It makes sense that I'd become a demon, because I'd like to be around for my baby and Alastor, and being a demon means that the angels wouldn't ever bother me again. However, committing to immortality is a big commitment, especially because the only way to undo it is of Alastor takes it away and kills me, and I know he won't.

"Oh..." I say, my voice trailing off. "I haven't thought about it."

"We can do it after the baby is born." Alastor pats my belly, making baby boy kick back at his hand and me wince. "Are you alright."

I nod. "Baby is getting stronger." He kicks again, making me groan and lay back. "Damn demon baby."

"He is very fiery today," Alastor agrees, watching baby kick. "Have you thought of any names?"

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