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Y'all, I'm gonna cry because this is the last chapter of this book and this is the last book of the seven sins series 🥺

This is basically gonna sum it all up, you whores will get some smut (dedicated to Akam1233321 who really wanted some throne smut)

I can't thank you all enough for following this series (my first series) and for watching my writing improve and supporting me the full way

I love you all so much and I'm so excited to publish in the future for you wonderful people who have been supporting me the whole way!

Love you all so much!!!!


Fifty Years Later!

Gabriel's POV:

"Come sit on my lap," Alastor says, even though I have my own throne. "Darling, come here."

I listen, even though I really like my throne. It's tall and I even have a crown that Alastor made me because he knew it was something humans did and he thought I'd appreciate it.

"Why?" I whine, leaning my head back. "I like my throne."

Alastor doesn't comment and instead walks over to me and picks me up, bringing me back to his seat. He faces me toward him and kisses my lips, his hands squeezing my hips.

"You were so far away," he tells me, kissing along my jaw line and down my neck. "There are still marks on your collar bone from last night."

I huff, pushing his face away. "You chewed on me like a fucking dog," I grumble.

When I got up this morning and went to get ready, there were dark marks all over my neck, result of Alastor and I making love last night. He definitely got carried away last night with the bites and sucking on my neck, but it's not like anyone here can judge me for it.

If any demons look at me the wrong way, Alastor makes sure to let them know that if they do it again he will send them straight to the Punisher.

"The marks look good on you," Alastor says, licking my skin and making me shudder. "I like them."

"I'd like them more if they didn't look like someone held a vacuum to my neck."

Alastor chuckles and opens his cloak, revealing his chest.

What I didn't know about fifty years ago when Sun was born was that Alastor was only wearing clothes that matched mine so I was more comfortable. I've gotten comfortable wearing the cloaks with only lacy underwear underneath because Alastor loves them.

Honestly, so do I.

"What do you say, Gabriel?" Alastor asks, looking behind me at the demon servants who stand at every wall. "Want me to fuck you on my throne?"

My eyes widen. "Alastor! What if Sun walks in?!" I ask, even though the idea is pretty damn hot.

"It's still the morning, darling. That child could sleep all day, given the chance. And he's a demon, walking in on sex doesn't bother him."

"We're his parents!"

Alastor shrugs. "He should be grateful if he happens to see it, because it's shows we have a good relationship."

I blush as Alastor starts to open my cloak, pulling it down to my waist, revealing my top half.

"Leave," Alastor commands to the demons in the room, because even after all these years, he still doesn't like anyone seeing me naked.

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