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Gabriel's POV:

I never open my eyes right after waking up. Instead, I usually keep them closed and gain a sense of my surroundings before I attack the day. When I wake up, I remember the events of yesterday, and then I feel around and realize that I'm laying on someone.

It doesn't feel like Tristan, because I know Tristan is just a bit bigger than me and he's nowhere near as muscular as whoever I'm laying on. Maybe it's his boyfriend. Or is it his husband?

I don't know my brother well, but I don't think he'd share Winston, even if I was freaking out.

So who am I laying on?!

I sit up and groan, my throat dry and scratchy from all of the screaming I did yesterday. I'm also thirsty... ice water sounds so damn good right now.

When I open my eyes and look down, my throat aches as I scream again.

Alastor is the body I'm laying on, and seeing him is definitely an unwelcome surprise. He opens his eyes when I scream, and he stops me before I can run off.

"Tristan!" I scream, needing my brother's help to get me away from this monster. "Help!"

Alastor covers my mouth with his hand, so I bite him. It distracts him enough to the point where I'm able to squirm away and run out of the room.

I sprint down the hall and find my brother and the other people who live here sitting in the kitchen. Even though I'm a confident, strong man, I need them to protect me from Alastor.

"What's wrong?" Tristan asks as I push my way between him and Winston, trying to make myself as small as possible when Alastor walks in the room.

"Why was he with me?!" I ask, my voice frantic as I shrink to the floor, my eyes just looking over the table so I can see Alastor.

Tristan pats my head, as if I'm a puppy sitting at his feet. "He wouldn't leave, and he promised he was just going to check on you," he says, but his voice is lowered, probably so Alastor won't notice me.

"I can see you," Alastor says, making eye contact with me.

I fall to the floor so I'm completely hidden, but I see his feet from across the room. They're walking toward me, making me scoot under the table so he can't touch me.

"Be gone, Satan," I growl when he kneels down and makes eye contact with me.

"I did not hurt you," Alastor says, reaching out for me, but I push myself further under the table, hitting my back on someone's knees.

Whoever I ran into yelps, looking under the table and sees me. He raises his eyebrow when we make eye contact, but he doesn't question where I'm hiding.

"Come out here," Alastor tries to order me, but I ignore him. "I wish to speak with you."

I scoff. "You want to talk to me. I don't want to talk to you," I say, screeching like a cat in a tub of water when Alastor successfully grabs my ankle and drags me out from under the table.

Tristan laughs a little when I'm dragged out. "That was a nice try, bro," he snickers, making me glare.

"Tell this psychopath to fucking let go of me!" I shout, trying to kick Alastor, but he manages to grab my other ankle.

Tristan frowns at Alastor. "You said you were going to be nice to him," he says in a judgmental voice, and I know he's directing his annoyance at the demon who has a hold on me.

Alastor huffs, but drops my legs. "Please come speak with me," he says, and even though he sounds angry, I can tell it was pretty hard to get the words out and they're sincere.

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