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Alastor's POV:

I wake up before Gabriel the night after I took his innocence from him. Actually, I didn't take it, not like I had with many lost souls who were desirable to me and needed to be put in their place.

No, Gabriel gave himself to me.

I removed the plug from his ass after he'd fallen asleep and very little semen had seeped out, satisfying me because this means that his body has absorbed the rest and could potentially mean he's already pregnant. Though, since it was his first time, his body may reject it, since he's a human male and that's not very common for human men, but I am not against fucking him until it works.

Gabriel groans in his sleep, his eyes fluttering open.

I look at the clock, and I'm honestly surprised. From what I know of my Gabriel, is that when he doesn't have anything to do, he sleeps in. It's strange that he's already awake and ready to go, but I am not complaining.

"I'm so hungry," he mumbles, scooting even closer to me, to the point where he's almost on top of me. "Make me food or perish."

Such a strange boy!

"I'm the king of Hell. I do not perish down here, boy," I say, pulling him the rest of the way so he's laying on me. "But I will have food made for you."

He shakes his head. "No, I want you to make it. And I want to be next to you while you do."

"Food is food. I do not understand the difference it makes when I make it as opposed to one of the demons who serves me."

"It is different," Gabriel insists, crossing his arms and pouting as he sits on my chest. "It shows me you care if you make me food."

I narrow my eyes. "It will not taste as good as a demon trained to cook," I tell him, but Gabriel doesn't budge. "Fine."

Gabriel's face brightens up, the excitement obvious. If he wasn't so perfect for me and just a toy to fuck, I definitely would not be treating him so sweetly. In fact, if that were the case, he wouldn't even be allowed to sleep in my bed.

Any random toy would be on the floor like an animal.

Once I've put on pants and dressed Gabriel in one of my shirts, I lift up my human, carrying him toward the kitchen and setting him on the counter. My mothers are in the kitchen as well, Amity sitting at the bar with a drink while Zahara makes a drink for herself.

"Good morning!" Amity exclaims, taking a sip of her drink. "How are you two doing?"

Gabriel blushes. "Good..."

"Don't batter him with questions," I growl, making Zahara slap the back of my head as she passes.

"Respect your mother," she snarls at me, grabbing Amity's hand. "Come along, love. Let's go to the porch."

Gabriel waves at them as they leave, before he turns back to me, licking his lips.

I know it's because he's hungry, but obviously my mind feels like he's being seductive. I kind of want to bypass breakfast and go straight to more sex, but if he's pregnant, my Gabriel needs food.

"What're you making me?" he asks, a smug look on his face.

"You are very lucky that I enjoy you as a person and don't just keep you around for sex," I growl, not enjoying his smug look at all. "Or you would be the one cooking."

Gabriel shrugs. "Oh well," he says, scooting closer to the stove, but I stop him from getting too close so he doesn't get burned.

I begin to pull out somethings from the fridge, including eggs and some fresh vegetables.

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