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Sexy times ahead 😬😬😬

Gabriel's POV:

Alastor keeps his hand on my lower back as he guides me toward the portal. We're just leaving the mansion in Cincinnati, and I can see Tristan glaring daggers at Alastor.

"You better tell him everything," Tristan calls, making me look at Alastor in confusion, but he doesn't react other than a brief nod.

He pushes me through the portal and closes it, keeping his warm hand on my lower back, massaging the exposed skin there.

I'm nervous, and I believe my nerves are reasonable. Both Alastor and I are aware that tonight is the night that I lose my virginity to him of all beings.

Me, Gabriel, a kid from Washington, who has become the apparent life mate to the literal lord of Hell.

And is about to let him... yeah.

"What was Tristan saying?" I ask, breaking the silence and relieving some of the tension.

Alastor leads me to his room and closes the door, sitting down and patting the spot beside him. Once I sit, he wraps his arm around me, pulling me tight to his side.

"I am the lord of Hell, and I must have an heir to the throne to rule over Hell when I choose to retire, essentially. Although I do not die, I will only rule for around fifty thousand more years before I decide to pass on to my heir." He reaches over and cups my cheek, pulling my face up so we are making eye contact. "Anyone can carry my heir, as demon anatomy and semen works differently. Essentially your body would adapt to carry a child."

I freeze, his eyes staring into my soul. "But I'm a guy!" I exclaim, making Alastor chuckle.

"And I'm a demon," Alastor says, kissing my forehead, then my nose, and finally my lips. "And I wish to own you in every way, so I want to knock you up."

"...how the fuck does that even work?" I ask, my mind still trying to wrap around the fact that, holy shit, I can get pregnant?!

I'm a guy! I don't have a vagina or a uterus or... how the heck does this work?!

"Your body will adapt to me," Alastor says, and well, he seems really sure, so why should I be nervous?

Huh, maybe because this demon wants to impregnate you and you are a guy? With a dick?

I shake my head and try to shut out my annoying inner voice.

"Do you want me to make love to you?" Alastor asks me, cupping my face in his hands. "Gabriel?"

Make love?

Did he really just say that?

"Yes," I respond, and he presses our lips together. "You don't want to just fuck me?"

"You're worth so much more than just sex to me," Alastor says, lifting me into his lap and gripping my hips.

I blush as he grabs the bottom of my shirt and lifts it over my head.

Alastor stares at my chest for a second, and I know he's thinking about the weird pregnancy thing. He rubs his hand over my lower stomach, before he flips us over onto the bed, me on my back with Alastor hovering over me.

He pulls off my pants and my underwear, and of course my embarrassing cock has to already be hard and ready to go. I try to hide my face because I'm embarrassed, but Alastor doesn't let me.

"Why must you hide?" he asks, taking off his own shirt and pants, only leaving on his underwear. "Because your body is reacting to me?"

I nod nervously.

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