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Gabriel's POV:

I hate angels.

They make me want to jump headfirst off a cliff after killing orphans just so I can go to Hell and never see them again.

Actually, I wouldn't be able to kill anyone.

Maybe I'd like... rob a bank?

Shoot someone but not in the deadly way?

Who knows, I just want to be back in Hell with Alastor and away from these gross, winged, horrible freaks.

Oversized birds.

"Let me go!" I yell, since I'm being carried like a bag of rice by the asshole who tried to challenge and then took me away from Alastor.

Cassius, the bitch, set me down on a chair in a living room space. "You are not safe with him," he says, staring at me.

"Well, you're a bitch."

"Swearing is not appreciated here."

"And kidnapping isn't appreciated anywhere," I snap, crossing my arms. "If you're not going to leave me with him, can I go back to my brother? In Cincinnati?"

Cassius shakes his head. "I am not foolish, young one," he says, and I scowl. "I know your older brother, he is a partial demon who is the soulmate to the sin of Wrath. I know you only wish to go back to him so they can summon lord Alastor and send you back to him."

"Why can't I go back to Alastor?!" I ask, now realizing that this angel is going to do whatever it takes to keep me from Alastor. "I want to go back to him! I don't care if I'm some stupid pure soul! I want Alastor!"

Cassius places a hand on my shoulder, but I slap it away. "He cannot take innocent humans away from Earth and make them his own. It keeps you from prospering."

"Why do you care?! You didn't help Tristan when my parents hurt him as a child! You didn't protect Levi from his abusive foster homes! I'm happy with Alastor, so why do you care?"

"Those are different cases. They're on Earth, and we are not meant to intervene on your homeland unless the demons are stirring up anything that they're not supposed to."

I wipe my eyes, tears threatening to fall. "So you take happy people away from their lives but you ignore others who are actually being abused because you can't do anything?! You just took me from the lord of Hell, so I know you're full of shit!"

Cassius frowns, leaning into his seat even further. "I am just doing my job."

"Your job is fucking bullsh-" I cut myself off, feeling a strange pang in my stomach.

Oh shit, I'm going to vomit.

"Bathroom!" I yell, covering my mouth.

Cassius' eyes widen and he grabs my shoulder, guiding me down the hall to a restroom.

I barely get to the toilet when I vomit my guts out, slapping Cassius when he tries to rub my back. I don't want him rubbing my back; I want Alastor rubbing my back and telling me stupid fun facts about how demons never vomit because they're so much better than humans or whatnot.

"I will go get some water for you," Cassius says, disappearing down the hall and leaving me alone.

My stomach still hurts and I lay my hands on it, before something hits me. Not physically, but I totally just realized that people don't randomly vomit out of nowhere... except for pregnant women.

"Here," Cassius says, and I take the water, gurgling some in my mouth and spitting it out in the toilet. "Feel better?"

I shake my head. "I... how can you tell if you're pregnant?"

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