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Alastor's POV:

I close the portal and leave the room, marching toward the dungeon. If those two demons know what's good for them, they best be waiting for me to torture them until they can't take it anymore.

As I thought, the two are kneeling in the very dungeon where they just abused my boy.

No, my slave.

Why do I keep mixing up things in my head when thinking about him?

"Do you two understand my anger?" I ask, my tone dripping with anger and the clear desire to harm these two mistakes.

"Yes, Master Alastor," they reply meekly.

I grab one of the demons and hold it by its neck as I shift into my demon form, horns and wings bursting out. It would be funny to see the demon cower if I wasn't so livid.

"You will both be tortured and reduced to the lowest of rankings here. That boy is my slave and you are not to touch him without my permission, and had you asked, I still wouldn't have allowed it!"

They remain quiet, perceptive enough to know that I'd make their pain last even longer for speaking out of turn.

"I think you two deserve worse than I punishment I would give," I say, making them both look up at me in horror.

Believe it or not, I am not the worst punisher in Hell. Yes, I make all of the official torture decisions, but I am not the one who carries it out.

No, I have a special demon for that. She is the worst demon in Hell, other than myself, dedicating her existence to coming up with the worst torture possible. And, best of all, she serves me and only me.

I lock chains and collars around the two demons and drag them after me to the lowest point of Hell.

There is a large door made of stone, and I am the only one who can open it. The demon inside, the Punisher, never leaves, and neither does anyone in here, unless I wish to free them.

These two stray demons will be tortured for all of eternity.

"Punisher," I say as the door opens, earning the attention of the demon who is closing her eyes and relishing in the sounds of pained screams.

She opens her eyes as I enter and bows. "My lord," she says, looking at the two demons I am dragging behind me. The Punisher licks her lips. "I smell their fear."

"Yes, and you will get to exploit it. I want them alive and tortured in the worst possible way," I say, throwing the two to the ground. "Do whatever you want with them."

The Punisher lights up. "You have never given me that much freedom, my lord," she points out, reaching forward and grabbing the chin of one of the demons. "Is there a reason?"

"They abused my slave without my permission."

She raises an eyebrow. "Your demons have tortured slaves in the past," she says, a low purr in her throat. "Why is now different?"

"I plan on making him carry my heirs and I can't do that if he's weakened by torture."

I don't like the look on her face, as it seems as though she can sense my weakness when it comes to my boy.

"Very well, my lord," the Punisher says with another steep bow. "I thank you. It's fun to torment new souls. To see them break."

"Agreed," I say, although I didn't feel that way when it came to Gabriel.

I mean, the slave.

I don't know why I keep calling him something other than my slave. It's annoying and pathetic to assume he is more than a sex toy and slave to me.

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