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Gabriel's POV:

"I'm craving sushi," I tell Alastor, but I know he won't get me any.

I don't even like seafood that much, but for some reason baby wants sushi, so I want sushi. However, according to Alastor, raw fish is bad for pregnant people and he doesn't want me or baby to get sick.

Is this the same guy that said he was going to rape me and make me a slave when we first met?!

"Gabriel, I already told you that it's bad for the baby," Alastor says, and I can tell he's tired of repeating it, but he's so patient with me and I know he'll repeat it a hundred more times if he has to. "I can get you the cooked kind."


He knows that I'm only craving the raw fish kind, but maybe the cooked kind will soothe my cravings...

"Fine," I say, hopping on his lap as he tries to read a book that I had in my bag when I gathered my stuff and left home.

It's actually really funny, because it's a fantasy book and it actually includes demons and mythical people, so he's annoyed by the writer but he still keeps reading it.

"We can get milkshakes, too!"

Alastor puts his book down and places his hands on my hip. "Maybe you should stay here, darling. It is not normal for human males to have a pregnancy bump, correct?"

I bite my lip and nod. "No, it's not..." A smile crosses my face at a sudden and very good idea. "How about we go to Cincinnati and I can stay with Tristan, Levi, and Kayden, and you can go into town and get me food with the others?"

I know he isn't super happy with this plan, because Alastor has put in a lot of effort to keep me away from his servants and from the sins. It isn't that he doesn't like them or trust them, but he's been extremely possessive and likes to either leave me alone with twelve guards outside my room or he doesn't leave me at all.

"Please?" I ask, pushing out my bottom lip in a pout because I know he's on the verge of saying no. "I haven't seen them for almost three months!"

Alastor sighs. "Because I don't like you around other demons while you're pregnant... especially without me there!"

"But it's my brother! Levi is a demon, yeah, but Kayden is a vampire! It's not a big deal! And if it's so important, you can leave Elijah and Greyson with us. They'll keep me safe," I say, knowing that Greyson and Elijah are completely infatuated with Levi and there's no risk or case where they'd ever hurt me.

None of the demons would, but for some reason Alastor trusts Greyson and Elijah the most.

"Do you need sushi that bad?" he asks.

Whiny Alastor is hilarious because no one would expect the king of Hell to whine and pout like a kicked puppy.

"Yes. Baby and I need sushi and milkshakes."

Mentioning that our baby wants something always pushes him over the edge and makes him give in.

"Fine," he growls, lifting me up and carrying me over to our giant, walk in closet. "Let's get you dressed."

I groan. "But I like my pajamas."

Alastor chuckles. "Gabriel, my darling, you have been wearing the same clothes for the last three days. Even if you haven't been moving around that much, you still should change."

"But I want to stay in my pajamas," I pout, but I don't stop Alastor from pulling my sleep shirt and shorts off.

I like when he dresses me and chooses my clothes; it's comforting and he always takes time to rub my stomach where baby is growing and stops to kiss the bump. He also is very careful when he dresses me, making sure I'm not uncomfortable and I feel safe.

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