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Alastor's POV:

I despise IKEA, but if doing this damn crib for our room will make it so I can fuck my Gabriel, then this crib will be complete. He's watching me with a smug look on his face, knowing how eager I am, especially because we haven't gotten to touch each other lately since he's been so tired.

"That's looking pretty difficult," Gabriel teases, scooting to the end of the bed and hanging his feet off of it. "Maybe you should just do it tomorrow."

I growl, shooting him a distasteful look, which only makes him laugh.

"Aw, you mean you don't just want to come cuddle with me?" he asks, emphasizing the word cuddle because he knows all I want to do is nail him into to the sheets.

"No," I mumble, attaching a couple more pieces of the crib. "Trust me, darling. In a little bit the only sounds you're going to be able to make are moans and cries for more."

Gabriel's smile widens and he comes to sit by me as I work. "I like the sound of that," he says, reaching over and touching the back of my neck. "But it's only if you finish this."

I lean into his touch, closing my eyes. "I'm almost done, darling," I tell him, and I'm not lying.

It is almost complete, but I still have fifteen or so minutes of work left. Licking my lips, I turn and kiss the side of his face, wishing this crib was easier to build.

"How about you go start prepping yourself?" I ask, because that would be hot as fuck to watch.

Gabriel shakes his head. "Two reasons I'm not doing that. One, it's fucking hard to try to reach down there right now because there's, you know, a baby in the way. Two, you're going to get distracted and I want you to focus on the crib so baby is safe," he says, and he makes some good points, so I can't really argue.

"Fine," I grumble, making him kiss me once more before he climbs back on the bed and lays his hand on his stomach.

He turns on our TV, supposedly watching a movie, but I see him continuously looking over at me. I honestly wonder who's more eager to get to sex, with the lustful and desperate looks he's giving me.

"Alastor... that can wait until tomorrow," he says about fifteen minutes after turning on the television. "You can still get your reward..."

I raise an eyebrow. "I honestly think you're more eager than me for this," I purr, still focused on the crib. "So maybe it will be your reward for being patient while I build this."

"Baby is still a few months away from being born..."

"And I'm only a few minutes away from finishing this," I argue, because it's true. "Give me five more minutes, love."

Gabriel huffs and lays back in bed, awkwardly managing to strip off his underwear and grabs his cock.

Excuse me?!

"What are you doing?" I ask, growling at him as he moans and thrusts his hips into his hand. "Gabriel!"

"Well, you won't get over here..."

"You were the one who said to finish this before I get my reward," I point out.

Gabriel shrugs and continues to stroke himself. "Then I'll take care of myself," he says, making me even more annoyed.

I get up and his eyes brighten, because he thinks I'm going to fuck him. Well, my Gabriel doesn't know that I'm not in the mood to listen to him, because we both know who is in charge. I reach into the night stand and grab out a clean cock ring and show it to him.

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