Chapter 12: Date and Make Out

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CHAPTER 12: Date and Make Out

“So where are we going first?”

“Let's try the Thrill Walk.”

Momo put her hand up, “Read my lips, NO.” she interjected, her mouth forming a perfect ‘o’

Nayeon nodded, “Yeah. I think we should eat first.”

“I agree.” Momo stated as she stood next to Mina, who was probably playing Minecraft on her phone while Chaeyoung was looking at the screen.

“Then we'll go to Thrill Walk.” Nayeon added, making Jeongyeon, who suggested the idea smirk in triumph.

Momo whined in protest, her lips pouting like a duck. She hated heights so much, “But I don't like heights!”

Jihyo hummed in understanding, “Me too, but I have an idea.”

“What is it?” Sana, who had been unusually quiet the whole time finally spoke. The only reason why she wasn't talking was because Dahyun was not with her right now. The girl had decided to go out and help Tzuyu with something. She didn't know what it was, but she was annoyed by the fact that she didn't even get to kiss the younger girl before she left.

“Those who are scared of heights raise their hands,” Jihyo announced as she raised her own hand, looking at the girls expectantly.

As expected, only Momo raised her hand.

Jihyo raised an eyebrow, “Just the two of us?”

“What about Dahyun?” Sana voiced, crossing her arms. She didn't know if the younger girl was scared of heights since she never mentioned anything about it so she couldn't make a decision for her.

“I don't think so. She used to hike a lot with her parents when she was young.” Chaeyoung glanced at Sana.

“What about you, Mina?” Jihyo pointed her head towards the ballerina, who was still busy playing with her phone.

“I'm good.” Mina muttered dryly, her gaze still focused on the device she was holding.

“Okay. So Momo and I won't go to the Thrill Walk, but we'll wait for you guys to finish. We'll just take bunch pictures and stuff to distract ourselves. How's that sound?” Jihyo suggested.

“Sounds good to me.” Jeongyeon nodded in agreement, along with Chaeyoung.


After they finished their meal, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Sana, Mina and Chaeyoung were standing in some sort of line that seemed like an entrance for the Thrill Walk, while Dahyun and Tzuyu, who just arrived were both talking about something important that they failed to notice a certain Japanese girl's intense glaring.

“Chaeng, what's up with those two?” Sana turned her head to Chaeyoung who was snuggling her head against Mina's neck.

“Probably planning to pull some prank on me when we get home, why?” the cub responded, still not pulling her head back.

“And you're not even bothered by that?” Sana pursed her lips as she kept her gaze at Dahyun and Tzuyu who were about six feet away from them.

“No.” the truth was, Chaeyoung wasn't bothered at all because she knew they weren't even planning on pranking her in the first place. Yes, she knew what Tzuyu and Dahyun were talking about, but she wasn't planning on telling it to anyone since it was quite ‘confidential’ from Tzuyu's words.

“Dahyun-ah!” Sana yelled to get the blue haired girl's attention, “Come here!”

When Dahyun heard her, the younger girl shuffled over the brunette wearing an innocent smile on her face, “Hello, Sana. You look really pretty today.”

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