Chapter 27: Boring Bachelorette Party

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CHAPTER 27: Boring Bachelorette Party

Weeks have passed and a lot had changed with Dahyun and Sana's relationship, and it was for the better.  Their bond grew stronger as they technically (but not really) lived together.

Sana had offered for the raven haired girl to stay in her place for a meantime while Dahyun was looking for a new apartment. Yes, she still hadn't stepped foot in her former house even if Chaeyoung said that it was already sanitized. Thank heavens, Dahyun was rich enough. She could buy a new apartment at any moment with just a snap but something was prolonging the process and she wasn't sure what it was.

At first, she thought it was Sana.


Everytime she opened her laptop to search for a place, the brunette would always interrupt her by asking her to have dinner with her, cuddle with her and even make out with her and of course Dahyun didn't mind at all. She actually loved it whenever Sana was being clingy. But the thing was, despite of all the interruptions, Dahyun knew that it wasn't just Sana who was doing something to prevent her from moving to a new house.

Dahyun herself didn't want to move yet.

She had to admit that she grew quite comfortable with Sana's company. Every day with her felt like heaven and she wouldn't have it any other way.


The raven haired girl stopped scrolling through the site to look up at her girlfriend. “Hm?”

“Mina and Chaeng's wedding is tomorrow. Are you excited?” the brunette asked as she ran her hand through Tofu's fur since the shiba was laying comfortably on her lap.

“It's not my wedding. Why– why would I be excited?” Dahyun voiced, furrowing her eyebrows as she watched her dog be spoiled by Sana.

Sana giggled, “Yeah, but she's your best friend. Aren't you excited for her?”

“I am happy for her and–” Dahyun paused as she squinted her eyes at the screen of her laptop, “Look, I found the perfect apartment.”

Sana's mood seemed to deflate, carefully moving Tofu's head away from her lap as she scooted next to her girlfriend. “Huh?”

“It has two bedrooms, a really good view and– and there's a dog park just a few blocks away.”

The brunette frowned as she read the article, “But isn't it so expensive?”

“I'm sure I can afford it though.” Dahyun shrugged but got really confused when Sana looked like she was spacing out. “Hey, are you okay?”

“Yeah, it's just–” Sana cleared her throat, biting her lower lip. “Are you sure you're ready to move?”

“I think. I've been staying at your place for almost two weeks now and I feel like I was being a burd–”

“No! You're not. You're not a burden.” Sana quickly spoke with pleading eyes, “You can stay here as long as you want.”

“Really? But what a–”

“Pleasebabyjustshutupandcomelivewithmeforever.” Sana spoke almost as fast as a tornado, her voice almost inaudible and surely, Dahyun wasn't able to get it.

“What? I did not catch that. Will you say that again, please?”

Sana was now a blushing mess. She didn't know where the hell did that courage came from, but there was no turning back now.

“Um– if you– if you want, you can live with me. I mean, since we're girlfriends now, right? And you basically already live here by now since my closet is almost full of your clothes. And– and Tofu seemed so attached with Nabongs now. Did you know that I saw them playing fetch yesterday? It was really cute. Except– except Nabongs was the one getting fetched. But that doesn't matter. I'm sure Tofu wouldn't eat her alive and–”

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