1. Gangnam Station

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The sound of dripping rain could be heard. They crashed against the windows and the pavements as if attacking, making the atmosphere feel cold and darker despite of the crowd inside the train. Though to some, rain was a huge bother, to her it wasn't.

The calming sound of the rain crashing against the windows were muffled to Sohee's ears. She was too focused on the tunes softly playing in her earbuds. Music. One of the things that relaxes her and motivates her to keep on going.

It's not like she didn't like what she was doing. Sometimes, each one of just needs someone to be there to motivate and inspire us. However, Sohee seems to feel that something was missing in her life.

A friend perhaps. She was a loner at her school because of a few reasons. Two of them is her being dry and not being able to keep a conversation going because she is an introvert, and for being unsociable.

"We are now arriving in our destination in two minutes."

Upon hearing the announcement, Nam Sohee tiredly stood up from her seat, shouldered her bag and held on the handle above the train. She took a deep breath, preparing herself for coming back to university from vacation.

"We have reached our destination."

The ocean of people started to move as the doors of the train made a noise and started to open. The floods of people filling out, including Sohee. She encountered someone hitting her shoulder. After the person apologized to her, she muttered a curse word under her breath as a sign of annoyance.

She started to walk, though for some reason, even though she had been at the station already, she felt lost. As if suddenly, she didn't know where to go. Part of the reason was because there was a lot of people moving around her. The other part, she wasn't sure. All she knew was she was nervous and scared.

Then a flash of blue bob captivated her eyes. As if suddenly blinding her eyes due to the bright color, she came back to her own senses and realized that she had been standing on the same spot for nearly ten minutes.

Suddenly remembering that she was hear to go back to her dorm, she followed the bright blue hair amongst the crowds of black and brown hairs. She wasn't following them because she wanted to. She just knew that she was going to the same way as they were.

The crowd started to dissipate slowly as she neared towards the exit of the train station. As her gaze left the bright blue hair, she looked at her left and right to make sure that she was indeed on the right track. Once she was sure, she drifted her eyes back only to find out that the ocean color was now gone.

She started to look around, hastily trying to hunt down the color that stood out from the others. It was supposed to be easy since the color was bright but it was difficult to her. It was as if the person disappeared so suddenly from her sight.

"Are you following me?" A raspy voice resonated through Sohee's ears.

Startled, Sohee instinctively turned around at the voice, surprised to see a boy, his skin pale and as white as snow, his eyes the shape of a cat's. It was feline and he almost looked intimidating. Almost. But because of the soft features of his face, the moist pink lips of his, and lastly, his bright blue hair, he looked like an angel. The epitome of an angel.

The boy tilts his head slightly to the right when the girl doesn't respond. Then he grinned cheekily and leaned forward a bit to catch her attention.

"W-Wh—?" Sohee began, "I'm so sorry!" She blurted out.

The boy raised an eyebrow. She chewed on her lip. "I was kind of lost..." She trailed off. But seeing the boy waiting for her response, she sighed. "I figured that you were going the same way I was supposed to go, I decided to follow you."

Sohee looked down to avoid the boy's eyes, too embarrassed. "Are you a student at Gangnam University?" He guessed as he studied the girl from head to toe.

Her head perked up. "Yeah! Are you too?"

"No, I'm a nurse at the hospital beside it." He responded. "What a coincidence." He finished before flashing a gummy smile at her.

Sohee's cheeks were suddenly dusted with a pink hue. "It's the second semester. I'm a bit confused as to why are you suddenly lost when you aren't a new student."

"I'm having quite some trouble in remembering things these days." She rolled her eyes irritably. "Probably because of stress and all, but I'm fine. I figured I needed to follow you to jog up my memory a bit on where I'm supposed to go."

The boy snickered, clearly amused. He ran his hand through his hair before placing both hands in the pockets of his coats then he slowly smiled softly at the girl. "What's your name?"

"Sohee. Nam Sohee." She replied cheerfully. "How about yours?"

"Min Yoongi." He reached out his hand to shake hers. "Would you like to go together at Gangnam University?"


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