9. Namjoon's Diagnosis

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Sohee felt consciousness slowly entering her system. The comfort of her own bed was no longer there. Instead, she felt her body stiff as the material beneath her was hard. Instead of listening to the eerie silence of her own dorm, she heard a couple of footsteps and a few people talking in her surroundings.

Last but not the least was where her head laid. She opened her eyes slowly, getting slightly blinded by the sudden flash of fluorescent light. Then she felt something under her head shift.

"Sohee?" The soft voice called out her name.

She shut her eyes open instantly then shifted her position. She looked up and met Yoongi's concerned gaze. Sohee sat upright in confusion. Realizing that she was in the hospital near her dorm, or where Yoongi worked, the confusion grew further.

"Yoongi?" She managed to croak out. "Why are we here? What are we doing here?"

"You remember calling me?" He answered with so much gentleness in his tone. "I answered your call but you never responded back. All I heard was you saying...it hurts. Then silence followed. I was worried so I drove here. Surprisingly, your door was unlocked—I didn't sneak in, I swear. I knocked three times but you weren't answering. Then when I went inside I found you knocked out with your phone on the floor."

"Thank you, Yoongi." Sohee placed a hand on Yoongi's and squeezed it. "But I don't understand why are we here. You could've just bought pain killers then went straight home. I'm sorry for bothering you this early." Sohee looked down sadly. "I just...—the pain was too much, I was panicking and I didn't know what to do."

Yoongi frowned. He hated seeing her feeling down. He needed and wanted to see her smile again. The smile of hers that lighted up his whole world. "Sohee, you know that I would've never done that. That's the second headache you've had. Bringing you to the hospital was the best option so that we can check you up. My friend's on the way to check up on you so you don't have to worry."

Sohee let go of the male's hand and proceeded to massage her temples in annoyance. "Yoongi, you didn't have to bring me here, seriously. I'm fine, it's just a headache."

"Tell me." Yoongi started, his expression of worry turning slowly into a serious one. "Have you been tiring yourself out?"

Sohee bit her lip, not sure how to answer. Yoongi noticed this. "I saw how unorganized your desk was. It was full of studying materials. Not even a glass of water could be seen. Are you taking care of yourself? Do you get enough sleep? Do you even take time to have a proper meal?"

"I have no time for that." Sohee sighed, realizing that raising her voice would get her to nowhere, so she spoke calmly. "I need to study because what I'm doing is obviously not enough. I've been failing these days. That quiz yesterday wasn't the only one I failed. I failed an exam a few days ago, and it's killing me because I know I studied enough."

Tears began to form at the brim of her eyes. She clenched her fists to prevent herself from breaking down. The last thing she wanted was to show her vulnerability to Yoongi.

"Please believe me when I tell you that you're doing your best right now." Yoongi never broke his eye contact with the girl. "You may have failed the other day, or yesterday, but there are also times when you have successfully accomplished something. Life is really hard, Sohee. So we have to learn how to handle things one by one. Trying to solve everything in one day will only tire you, so take things slowly, alright?"

Sohee slowly nodded. "Okay. Okay, I'll try."

Another voice caught their attention. "Yoongi."

The two averted their sights to the sound. In the hallway, Yoongi's friend, Namjoon, walked and approached them. Sohee stared at him in awe on how he looked smart with his doctor's coat on. His stethoscope hanging around his neck as if it was meant to be there.

"You must be Sohee." Namjoon gave the girl a dimple smile when he reached them. "Yoongi was extremely worried about you so he had been bugging me to check on you since four in the morning." He snickered.

Sohee stared at Yoongi, who was now avoiding her eyes, his cheeks the shade of a red rose.

"Come in, Nam Sohee."

The three of them made their way to Namjoon's clinic. He closed the door behind them and gestured for Sohee to sit down. Yoongi decided to stand in one corner, far enough to give the two some space, but near enough for him to hear.

"So, Miss Nam." Namjoons smiled as he grabbed his pair of glasses and put them on. He got his clipboard with him, clicked the pen open, and began writing down. "How are you feeling?"

Sohee gulped. "I'm feeling fine." She partly lied. Well, she felt better right after Yoongi comforted her, but still she was feeling blue and down.

"So, I heard that your headache was enough to knock you out of consciousness. Is that right?" Namjoon asked carefully.

Sohee nodded hesitantly. "Yeah. It hurt so much that it was too unbearable. I guess, my body couldn't take it so I blacked out." She guessed.

"Hmmm..." Namjoon tapped his chin thoughtfully. "If you didn't black out, I guess some pain killers would've worked. But this seems different." He said, not meeting Sohee's eyes. "When was the last time you felt this pain, Miss Nam?"

"Last week." Sohee replied flatly.

"Have you been forgetting things lately?"

"Yeah, I guess. I forgot to lock my dorm earlier. Last week, I had trouble remembering the way towards the university. Pretty much that's all." Sohee began to fiddle with her fingers.

Namjoon sighed deeply, clearly not pleased with what he's thinking. "Are you getting enough sleep?"

Sohee shook her head. "No. I make sure I study until midnight. It's not that I want to, I just really need to because I want to have a passing grade." She explained truthfully.

"And how's that going?" Namjoon looked straight at her eyes.

"Not exactly good. Even though I know I studied enough, I forget the answers on some questions when I always had the feeling I have came across the terms on my papers. I don't know what's wrong." Sohee looked down at her own fingers.

Silence followed. Namjoon's writing could only be heard. In the background, Sohee knew that Yoongi was there, making sure I was fine. Oddly, he has been silent all this time ever since Namjoon had started asking me questions.

"We need to get an x-ray of your head." Namjoon broke the silence. "Do you mind?"

Sohee looked at him with confusion. "Why do we need to? I mean—won't pain killers be enough?"

Namjoon took a deep breath, then his gaze shifted from Sohee to Yoongi, whose fists were clenched. Namjoon knew that Yoongi knew what was coming next, but obviously Sohee didn't.

"I'm afraid not because I think that you may be diagnosed with brain tumor."


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