30. Alone

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Yoongi wasn't there when she woke up.

A frown made its way on her face, showing her disappointment. Everything around her seemed dark and she craved for Yoongi's warmth and presence.

She tried to move. Though it hurt, she managed to sit upright on her bed. Sohee assumed that it was alright for her to remove the nasal cannula, so she did, being the stubborn girl she was.

She couldn't handle being alone at that moment after all. She was afraid that the pain would come back. It always came back every time she was all alone. Sohee wanted her blue bird's presence. Min Yoongi, the man who always made her feel safe.

Shakily, she stood up and maneuvered her way to the door, the wall supporting her weight. Due to her weakness, she needed to place both of hands on the wall to walk. Though she was slow, she was still making progress as time ticked by. She couldn't stay put since she was terrified.

She managed to twist the knob and go out. The corridor was illuminated with fluorescent lights though it still looked a bit dark for it was night time already.

With shaky breaths, she meandered through the hallway, determined to find Yoongi. With a hand caressing her hand, she literally dragged her whole body to the end of the hallway.

Just as she was about to press the button of the elevator, it opened, revealing him with a parka engulfed around him together with his scrubs. In his hands were two plastic bags.

"Sohee!" His voice echoed across the hallway and the female instinctively took a few steps backward to give way to Yoongi.

"Stay here for awhile." Yoongi said to her gently then proceeded to fast walk across the corridor, entering her room.

The girl's frown grew bigger in confusion. Disobeying Yoongi, she still dragged herself across the hallway. But she barely made any progress when Yoongi dashed outside towards her.

"I told you to stay put for a bit!" He exclaimed worriedly.

Sohee didn't say anything and only look up at him with sparkling eyes.

Yoongi sighed softly before placing his hand around the girl's shoulders, and the other went behind her knees. Sohee let out a soft gasp as she felt herself being lifted. Her arms involuntarily snaked around Yoongi's neck for support.

"Yoongi..." She mumbled softly.

"Shhh." He whispered, starting to walk back towards her room. "You're still weak, Sohee. Don't talk because it may tire your brain."

Sohee admired Yoongi's face profile as he focused his gaze in front, careful to not trip on anything. She smiled softly as she felt safe in his arms.

Upon Yoongi placing her gently on the bed, Sohee's smile immediately disappeared and she felt pain in her head.

She gripped Yoongi's arm while her other hand went on her head.

"I-It hurts." She croaked out.

Yoongi immediately grabbed the pain killer and injected it on Sohee. The pain slowly subsided and everything was calm again.

"Are you okay, Sohee?" Yoongi questioned with worry evident on his features. "Does it still hurt?"

Sohee shook her head. "I-I'm fine..." She mumbled. "T-Thank you, Y-Yoongi."

Yoongi hushed her and helped her to lie down. Sohee eyed the two plastic bags which  he immediately noticed.

"Ah, these?" He reached out for them. "They were given by a friend. She knows about you and she was very worried for your health. So she gave me these to give them to you."

Sohee was curious about who was she but decided to not ask partly because it seemed to difficult for her to speak. Even for a single word, it drained her energy immediately. Also, partly because Yoongi was allowed to make friends after all. She shouldn't be nosy about his business and she trusted him.

She nodded instead and gave him a smile. "Thank her for me." She managed to say.


A few days more passed by and Sohee slowly regained the ability to speak properly. Though her condition was still worse. She experienced headaches usually at night which resulted her on not being able to sleep at all anymore even just for a glimpse.

The pain killers were slowly not working either, and Namjoon figured that she was probably immuned to the injection already that it wouldn't work anymore.

There wasn't any sign of her getting well soon which scared Yoongi the most. He had expected this already to happen yet it still hurt him so much. He wanted to be prepared emotionally so he did his best, but even though he did, tha pain was always there, present in his heart like a dagger.

Sohee was slowly losing the color of her skin. She getting paler each day and it was as if the surgery only made everything worse. But of course, Namjoon told her that it was only its side effects. She could still heal, but in a slow process.

She lost the motivation to read her book and she mostly spent her time in bed, sleeping as much as she could in the morning so that at night, when the pain comes and she won't be able to sleep, she could sleep in the morning as an incentive instead.

Yoongi was devastated. He felt like slowly, Sohee was losing her true self.

It would only be a matter of time before everything falls apart, and Yoongi was certain that he won't be prepared.


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