11. I'm Suffocating

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Sohee was pulled out of her slumber. She heard movements in her left. Though, her eyes were closed, she felt the soft mattress beneath her body, and a pillow supporting her head. The stench of alcohol filled her nostrils, making her scrunch her nose and finally open her eyes.

She was greeted by the blinding light of the sun indicating that it was sunrise. The girl avoided its brightness by turning her head towards her left. In there, she found Yoongi. A few hours ago, he was wearing a white shirt paired with jeans and sneakers, but now, it looked like he stopped by at his home to take a shower and change into his nurse uniform.

His aqua hair was still wet and amongst the alcohol stench, his lush body scent filled most of Sohee's nostrils, and she suddenly didn't felt like she was suffocating anymore.

Yoongi was busy rummaging through a...luggage? My luggage? He seemed to be so focused as he gently placed all of her clothing inside the drawers. It suddenly dawned in her. Why are my clothes here? She thought to herself.

"Yoongi..." Sohee called out hoarsely. In a speed of light, the male dropped everything from his hands and instantly went to her side. "What are you doing? Why am I—?" She was cut off when she attempted to lift her hand. An immediate pain surged through her arm making her instinctively retract her hand back.

Dextrose. She mentally said to herself.

Sohee averted her gaze to Yoongi's dark irises instead. She noticed him looking at her painfully before he carefully sat down on the bed, never breaking their eye-contact.

"Does it hurt?" He softly asked. The girl faintly nodded. "Wait here. I'll go get you some water."

As he stood up, Sohee's other free hand latched on his wrist, preventing him from going further away. "No need to. I'm fine."  She gave him a faint smile to reassure him.

"Stay with me." Her whisper unintentionally came out broken.

Yoongi's heart ached deeply before he sat back down. He chose to avoid her gaze this time, constrasting what he did earlier. He stared at the ground instead while the female continued to stare at him.

"So aren't you going to tell me why I'm here, laying in bed with my hand attached to a dextrose in a patient gown?" Sohee tilted her head to catch a glimpse of his face. Though, she already had the feeling she knew something, she wanted Yoongi to confirm her suspicions.

Yoongi sighed deeply and forced himself to meet the girl's eyes. "Sohee..." He pronounced her name ever so softly. "From now on, you're confined in here."

Sohee frowned. "Confined?" She repeated. "What do you mean confined? I'm pretty sure nothing is wrong with me. It's just a headache, we don't need to overreact, so can I please go back home—"

Yoongi cut her off. "You have a tumor in your brain." He finally, painfully said. "Namjoon told me. He has diagnosed you with brain tumor and you are now officially his patient."


The male frowned further at her response. He  slightly parted his mouth to speak again only for Sohee to interrupt. "I'm not sick in the head, Yoongi. Get me out of here."

Anger replaced her sadness. "And why would you bring my clothes here?!" She motioned to a few clothes of hers that were still undone on top of the drawers. "I'm not gonna live here. I'm going back home."

She unintentionally pushed Yoongi off from the bed to give herself some space to stand up. Only the pain from her hand in a dextrose triggered a moan from her and made her sit back down. Yoongi came to her rescue by soothing her hand and calming her down.

"Sohee, you have to listen to me, okay?" He said in a broken voice. "We have to heal you. Being stubborn will get you nowhere. So it's best if you stay here and let's trust Namjoon to heal you. He's a good doctor. Attending to your classes will be nothing if you don't focus on yourself first. Namjoon and I already wrote an excuse letter and gave it to the dean."

Sohee's lips began to quiver. All she wanted was to graduate and have a proper job. Achieve her dreams. Maybe see how things go for her and Yoongi. But certainly, fate seemed to be luring her away from that dream.

She was internally suffering. Sohee wanted to be alone for now. Even though it would hirt her to push Yoongi away at the moment.

"I want to be alone." She shut her eyes tight, afraid to see Yoongi's reaction. She had made her decision so if she sees Yoongi's pained expression, she would surely, undoubtedly chare her mind and ask him to stay.

"Okay." He whispered. "I'll be right outside if you need me."

Sohee felt the mattress undip indicating that Yoongi had stood up. She listened to his footsteps slowly approaching the door. The girl was holding her breath the whole time because everything seemed to be painfully in a slow motion.

Once she heard the door shut, she broke down in tears.


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