17. Red Cheek

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Uncontrollable tears continued to stream down Sohee's reddened cheeks, one was redder than the other. A few minutes ago, a loud slap echoed on the room causing the girl to whip her head at the side. She waited for her parents to leave first before she broke down.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room was Yoongi waiting. From the moment her parents stepped foot inside her room, the male had been watching, but he never let himself be seen nor too suspicious.

His arms crossed, leaning against the wall, while his foot was tapping on the floor, creating a rhythm, he waited for the middle-aged couple to go out. And when they did, oh boy, did he see the parents' expressions. The woman was literally glaring daggers at everything her eyes made contact with, including him. While the man wore an expression of disappointment as if losing hope into something, or rather, someone.

Yoongi immediately knew that it didn't went well. He waited for the couple to enter the elevator, and when the doors closed, he pushed himself from the wall and instantly made his way to Sohee's room. He placed his ear on the door but heard nothing. Yet.


The male instantly whipped his head towards the name-caller, who turned out to be Namjoon. He sighed in relief that it was only his friend who caught him.

Namjoon snickered. "Why are you surprised? Also, what are you doing?" He raised an eyebrow. "Are you eavesdropping at Sohee's family conversation?"

"They've left." Yoongi responded. "I was gonna go inside and check on her. You know, like the nurse I am."

"Ah." Namjoon smirked sheepishly. "So you're going in there as a nurse. Are you sure it's not just because you're a nurse? Maybe even if you weren't one, I'm positive you'd still come here everyday just to to check up on her, right?"

"Namjoon." The latter massaged his temples. "I already told you. I'm treating her like everyone else now. Besides, she literally just said bye bye to our friendship yesterday."

His friend let out a deep sigh before walking closer to him, patting his back. "Yoongi, you should stop pushing her away. You mentioned that she has no friends ever since she was here in Gangnam. Even though she said those words to you, deep inside, I know that she's hurt and—"

"It's not that, Joonie." Yoongi lowered his head.

"Then what is it?" Namjoon asked him in concern.

"I'm scared." His words came out in a whisper. "I'm scared to lose her. I'm scared to lose someone I care so much about again." He met his friend's eyes. "I'm so fucking scared."


Sohee released her grip from the door knob, taking a step back from the door. Her gaze was fixated on the floor all this time, and she heard everything.

Long gone were the puffy red eyes and tears. A small smile played on her lips, finally understanding. She now knew that someone still cared for her, and at that moment, it was enough for her.

Someone was scared to lose her, which made her heart melt, but at the same time sad. She never expected for someone to grieve over her, but here she was, a person she almost barely knew yet she felt so close to, was afraid to lose her.

The female unconsciously huffed a breath out, suddenly feeling colder than usual despite of the heater turned on.

Nonetheless, she managed to ignore the feeling when an idea popped in her mind. She smiled to herself upon knowing that her brain was still working and is reliable.

The door suddenly opened making her flinch. Her heart beated so fast, afraid to look up. But when she saw a white long coat, she sighed in relief upon seeing her doctor, Kim Namjoon.

"Oh, Sohee." He smiled. "About to go somewhere? I've come back because Yoongi told me that you're parents have left."

The girl nodded then scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. "Yeah, they have. Umm, so what are you here for?"

Namjoon began to play with the ballpen and clipboard in his hands. "I just...came here to check if everything is alright."

Sohee gulped. "Yeah. Yeah, yeah, everything went fine."

Though Namjoon still thought otherwise when his sight landed upon the red mark on her cheek. He frowned. "Your cheek is very red. Did something happen?" He asked hesitantly.

The latter sighed. "You can say I got slapped in the face." Then she let out a small bitter laugh. "I'm fine though, don't worry. It'll go away soon."

"Well, at least let me send Yoongi to give you some ice pack for that cheek, alright? There must be a pain lingering there." Namjoon told her with concern. "I'm afraid I have a few patients to attend to so I have to go. Let me know how it will go with Yoongi."

The former then left, confusing the female with his last sentence. It felt like as if it had a double meaning but she shrugged it off immediately, becoming aware again of her cold surroundings.

Minutes later, Yoongi arrived to Sohee's room with an ice pack in his hand. He found the girl sitting down on the edge of the bed, facing away from him. He thought that she wanted to enjoy the view from her window. But upon walking to approach her, he noticed that she was also reading a book.

The male took a deep quiet breath first before making her know his presence.

"Uh, Sohee." He started. The female looked up to meet his eyes, never flinching nor acting surprised for her plan had come into action. "Here's the ice pack for your cheek..." He trailed off upon seeing the red mark on her cheek, frowning.

"Ah, thank you, Nurse Yoongi." She flashed him a formal smile. Meanwhile, the former was taken aback by the sudden formalities of the latter. Whilst, Sohee took the ice pack from his hand then gently placed it against her cheek.

"Also." Her eyes met the confused expression of Yoongi. "Kindly fetch me a glass of water please." She smiled innocently.


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