31. Reconcile

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Sohee fluttered her eyes open, the sleepy feeling going away as each second ticked by. She sensed a presence in her room. Assuming it was her boyfriend, she moved her head to the side to meet his eyes only to see her father, flipping through the pages of a magazine.

Sohee's smile faltered immediately. Her father, seeing his daughter move in the corner of his eyes, looked up from the magazine and met her eyes.

His father abruptly abandoned the magazine. "Sohee, you're finally awake."

The girl surveyed her room, looking for her mother. But when she didn't see any sign of the woman's presence, she neither disappointed nor surprise. Unlike her father, Sohee's mother was a bit more heartless, though, her father was still strongly similar with her mother. The only slight difference was he still tried to communicate with his daughter even though it still looked forced or awkward.

Sohee had been having thoughts that perhaps her mother influenced her father. If the green papers were never there, she would probably feel loved even just by her own father. But alas, he was still blinded by the money.

"If you're looking for your mother, she isn't here." Sohee's father broke the silence. "She got pretty upset from last time and she still is."

Sohee didn't know how but she managed to scoff in her condition. "Not surprising at all. After all, mother only focuses on herself and never even bothered to check on other people's perspectives."

"Sohee." He warned. "She's still your mother. I won't tolerate you in disrespecting her."

"And I'm her daughter." She croaked out with a hoarse voice.

Her father sighed deeply then decided to switch the topic. "How are you feeling?"

"Mm, fine just a few minutes ago." Sohee hummed. "I'm not so sure about now."

Her father placed a hand on hers and gently caressed it. "Sohee..." He began. "I know that I'm not the best father figure you've had. I'm aware of that. But every time I try to spend time with you, you always avoid me and go to your grandmother instead."

"You didn't look sincere." She said, avoiding her father's irises. "It always seemed forced, as if it was a burden to you to spend time with me because of your work. That's why. That's the reason of me avoiding you."

Her father sighed once again, leaning back to his original position. "Your mother intensely influenced me so much. I don't know how that'd happen but it just did. Perhaps it's because I love her that I became like this." He spread his arms. "I never wanted to make it seem so forced to you. I guess I was just tired. Every night, I go home feeling drained."

Sohee stayed silent, nibbling on her lower lip. The silence of Sohee made her father continue. "Believe me, Sohee. I tried my best to spare time for you. I always did but it didn't work unfortunately. But don't you know the reason I always work up until midnight? It had always been for you, Sohee. You wouldn't be able to attend school if we didn't have the money. You wouldn't then be able to get on a train to Gangnam and study medicine, though I'm still upset that you hid it from us."

I would've never met Yoongi. She thought.

Sohee took a deep breath then finally faced her father. "It did seem to me that you were working so that you could raise me well." She smiled softly then it soon faltered in her next words. "But as time passed by, I felt like you work not only because of me now, but because of money."

Her father lowered his head. "I'm sorry, Sohee." He mumbled. "I'm sorry if I wasn't there for you when you were having a hard time. I'm such a bad father."

"Indeed you are." Sohee crooked a smile at him, which made her father confused. "But if you were the one who was there for me, then I wouldn't have met the love of my life."

Sohee's father tilted his head. "Is it the boy with the blue hair?"

Sohee nodded, biting her bottom lip.

"He seems like a good guy. Last time, I saw in the corner of my eyes that he was waiting outside. I can see that he deeply cares for you. I'm glad you found someone like him." Her father stood up then brushed away his clothes.

"I forgive you, father." Sohee suddenly said.

Her father stopped and stayed rooted, a signal for Sohee to continue. "I forgive you because somehow, something good came out from everything. As much as I hated the fact that we never got to spend time together, you're still my biological father and I still love you. And the fact that you apologized is enough for me too."

She sighed. "Extend my words to mother, and even though I still dislike her, tell her I'm sorry for being stubborn."

Her father let out a small chuckle. "Make that boy stick around you at all costs, okay? He's a keeper, don't lose him. I'll make sure to tell your mother."

Sohee felt lighter after her father left. A smile painted itself on her lips. She instinctively looked up at the door, hearing it creak open, a blue-haired boy poked his head in and Sohee contained her laughter.

"Come in, Yoongi. He's not here anymore." Sohee said softly, ushering him in.

Yoongi grinned, his gummy smile showing then immediately went to Sohee's side and let her snuggle up in his arms.

She hummed softly. "I love this so much."

"Me too." Yoongi murmured in her ear.

After a brief comfortable silence, Yoongi spoke again. "Sohee..." he mumbled her name lovingly. "I want to take you somewhere."

Sohee pulled away just enough to look at Yoongi's orbs. His aqua hair swayed along with the wind and she still couldn't stop thinking about how ethereal he looked. His soft features never failed to always mesmerize her.

"Okay, but where?" She asked softly.

"It's a surprise."


A/N: Thank you so much for 442 reads! I really appreciate every single reader here! <3

The end of this book is nearing and I hope as a rookie writer, I have at least piqued your interests. I know I'm not the best nor even am I considered as a decent writer 😳😣 but thanks for reading up until to this point!

Stay safe and healthy always, tangerines!

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