14. Feeling Free

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Namjoon went on his way to leave the room with Yoongi following behind. Sohee found this new because she knew him of always staying to make sure she was alright. But now, to her, it seemed as if Yoongi didn't know her. He never even spared a glance at her or looked into her eyes.

Sohee couldn't help it. "Yoongi."

With Namjoon leaving the room and closing the door, Yoongi stayed rooted on the ground as if contemplating whether to just leave and follow Namjoon or stay.

Yoongi sighed. "Yes?" He turned around to face the female with a hardened expression.

Sohee flinched a bit, taken aback by his sudden change of demeanor. The girl slightly parted her mouth to speak but no words came out. Although, Yoongi still waited, Sohee felt as if he was starting to get annoyed. To Yoongi, it was a facade to mask his true emotions.

Sohee mustered all of her courage and spoke. "Yoongi, what's wrong?"

Yoongi's left eye twitched and he tilted his head to the side. "What's wrong?" He repeated. "Nothing. What do you mean?" He played dumb.

The female rolled her eyes. "You seem annoyed so don't play dumb with me."

Yoongi massaged his temple and sighed. "I'm not playing dumb." He lied. "And I'm not annoyed either. It's just work. So, please, Sohee, please don't jump into conclusions. There's nothing wrong so don't worry."

Sohee blinked.

Yoongi checked his watch then averted his gaze back at her. "I have to go for now. I'll come by later to give you your daily intake of fluids."

The female heard the door shut and Yoongi was gone. Sohee decided to believe him yet she found something so fishy about his behavior. For sure, as well, that she didn't plan to be stuck all day long inside her room in a hospital bed. As long as she wasn't bedridden, she planned to move as much as she wanted.

She got out of bed, slipped into her slippers, and dragged the stand of her dextrose along, maneuvering her way towards the door.

She began to hum a tune as she quietly and slowly got out of her room. The hallway was quiet. Only the sound of air conditioner could be heard. She wasn't surprised to see several doors lined up beside hers, though she still felt she was the only one occupying a room on that floor. It excited her.

Sohee wanted to go to the garden where the children were playing at. Suddenly remembering that it was snowing, she mittered a curse to herself and went back inside to grab a warm parka that was folded neatly by Yoongi inside one of the drawers.

Once she was back outside again, she made her way to the elevators and pressed the Upper Ground Floor button, where the garden was located.

Upon the elevator doors opening, voices of the people that greeted her filled her eardrums. She stepped out and was glad and relieved that no one seemed to notice her. Perhaps maybe because her patient gown was concealed beneath her parka. But the stand where her dextrose was attached? She didn't know why people—even the hospital staff didn't seem to notice that a patient was roaming around the hospital.

Anyway, it wasn't her problem anymore. As long as she could get into the garden, she would be fine. Of course, she did.

With careful and small steps, she went outside to the garden, letting the snow freefall on her head. In front of her, a few children were running around. She smiled, finding the presence of kids around her comforting.

She lifted her free hand to let the snow fall on her hand. A few fell on her nose as if booping it and it made Sohee endlessly smile that she could feel her jaws starting to get tired but she ignored it.

A young girl screaming caught Sohee's attention. She watched the girl as she ran away from a young boy, who looked like about the young girl's age, chasing her around in giggles. The young boy seemed to be holding something in his hand. A huge snowball. Sohee began to snicker, anticipating what was about to happen.

The female took further more steps towards the children, tucking her hand inside the pocket of her parka while shakily making her way towards a swing. As she sat down, the young girl she heard screaming awhile ago, screamed once again. Sohee saw her knocked down on the pile of snow while her friend attacked her with snowballs.

She found the two kids adorable. Then she began to wonder what illnesses did those kids have? They were too young to be confined in a hospital yet here they were, instead of enjoying school and exploring the unknown parts of their subdivision, they were stuck inside the hospital.

Because of her train of thoughts, she never realized that someone was in front of her. Not a child, who was supposed to small, but an adult. She turned her head to see scrubs. Then ever so slowly, she lifted her gaze to see Yoongi looking down at her, his hands tucked in his scrubs' pockets, the snow falling gently on top of his blue hair.

"What are you doing here?" His voice came out in a whisper yet his expression was still hard.

"I'm simply enjoying the atmosphere of this frozen garden with children playing around." Sohee sassily said.

Yoongi's lips twitched, itching to curve it upward into a smirk to show his amusement, but he didn't, keeping his composure.

"You aren't even allowed here."

"So?" Sohee scowled. "Can't I enjoy the last few remaining months of my life? Is it that bad to go in the garden to have some alone time? Besides, breaking a little rule won't hurt the children nor the hospital, would it?"

Yoongi clenched his fists. "Don't say that."

"What? Am I wrong?" Sohee blinked, challenging him.

"Yes." Yoongi responded. Sohee opened her mouth to reply when Yoongi continued. "You were wrong about having few months left to live. You will live, Sohee. So don't start giving up when we're just starting."

Sohee swore she saw his expression soften. But right after that sentence, his expression became cold again. The male took his right hand out of his pocket, revealing a heat pack.

He gently pulled one of Sohee's hands. She immediately felt the warmth of his touch and skin, suddenly craving for more. For him not to let her hand go. Yoongi placed the heat pack on her hand, then released her.

"Keep yourself warm." He said before turning around and walking away.


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