36. Blue Bird

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He was her anchor to the world. The only thing that served as the reason she was still living in this world. The doom is near. Her death is nearing and soon, there would be no trace left of her except the last trail of her breath.

That's what she thought. Her face and memory will always live in the hearts of the people she grew into, loved, and cherished. Yoongi and Namjoon were two of them. Though to anybody's eyes, Namjoon was just a doctor to Sohee, but to her, she saw him as a friend and someone that he would be forever thankful and grateful for.

Yoongi was basically her everything. Her comfort, her best friend, her boyfriend, her anchor to the world. All of those doomed in Sohee's mind and she was aware that the pain that Yoongi would go through would be worse than any physical injury and heartbreak.

He was her blue bird.


He trailed circles with his thumb on Sohee's soft skin as they watched the spring come. The snow was gone, replaced by cherry blossoms and green leaves that left traces on the ground.

The view before them was enrapturing that Sohee couldn't help but place her head on his shoulder and maybe fall asleep right there and then, in his hold. Sohee refused to show it, but she was tired. She felt as if every fiber od her body had given up and they just wanted to have a peaceful rest for eternal.

Yoongi was oblivious, taking her actions as her ways of affection, and Sohee wanted it to remain like that for the last few moments of them being together.

But at one point, she would have to break the news to him. It was a request from Namjoon. The first and final request from him. She did thought that certainly she owed him alot for doing his best and there would be nothing that could every repay him for his deeds.

The least thing she could do was to execute his request. After all, in the end of the day, Yoongi would still know. Disappearing in thin air wouldn't go unnoticed to him. He would definitely be the first person to notice it.

"The flowers are blooming beautifully," he breathed out then he looked at the girl beside him, whose head was still gently resting on his shoulder.

Yoongi placed his rosy cheek on top of her head, enjoying her scent and feeling. His one hand went to embrace her waist, while the other went to tuck a strand of her hair away from her admirable face, adorned with soft and delicate features.

Yoongi was oblivious that a drop of tear had fallen from Sohee's eye. Her heart was breaking over and over again as if in a cycle. She refused to let her tears fall down and sniffled them back that went a bit too loud for Yoongi to hear.

"Are you okay?" the male asked in concern.

"I'm fine, Yoongi." She smiled but her voice went out shaky and stuffed. The former noticed this so he carefully took Sohee's face in his palms, cupping her cheeks.

Sohee didn't fight back but her heart immediately ached at the sight of her beloved's frown coming into her view.

I caused that frown again... she thought.

Yoongi didn't say anything at first as he delicately wiped the drops of tears that had began to fall to her cheeks.

"I..." Sohee began. "I-I'm so sorry, Yoongi. I'm always a huge mess when I'm with you," she bursted out.

The former's frown grew bigger. "You know that's not true. Stop saying those things about yourself, Sohee. I love just the way you are and don't ever change that, okay?"

I wouldn't be able to change anything about myself, anyway.

"You're strong, Sohee. I don't know who or what is causing you to be sad but I just want you to know that I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you." He smiled softly at her. "If you need someone to listen to you, whatever it is...I want to be the first person that comes to your mind."

Sohee's breath hitched at his words. Everything sounded so sincere from him; he was making it harder for her to let go. But if didn't let go then Yoongi wouldn't either. Then that would make the pain thrice worse.

The male stayed silent, waiting for the female's reply. She couldn't formulate a comprehensive sentence so she did the only thing she could let her feelings be known to Yoongi.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, which caught him off-guard, and pressed her soft and trembling lips against his. Her lips were salty against his, caused by the tears that had fallen earlier. In contrast, the girl felt his sweet lips against her salty ones. Though they were opposites, they complemented each other greatly.

Yoongi angled his head to deepen the kiss, snaking an arm around her waist, while the other rested on the back of her neck. The kiss would slow down at one moment, then would soon turn into something deep and passionate. Rough but not too rough. Soft and sweet at the same time.

When they pulled away, their breaths mingled as one. They panted hard for oxygen to take its place in their lungs but they never pulled away completely from their affectionate embrace.

Threading his hand through her soft hair, he whispered, his voice hoarse and raspy from the kiss. "And whenever I'm in need of  someone by my side, you will always be the first person to come on my mind. Always."


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