35. Forgiven

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"Don't be too touched. Your father annoyingly kept on persuading me to come visit you. I'm just as annoyed as you probably are right now." The middle-aged woman beated Sohee up to it.

Still, the girl couldn't help but find the current situation amusing, annoying, weird, and touching all at the same time. As the two were sitted on a bench with birds chirping in the air, they both survey their surroundings in silence, admiring the winter scenery. Strangely, it wasn't snowing that day, as if the snow gave them a break from the cold though it was still as cold as ever.

Fortunately, Sohee's parka was enough to warm her up. Her mother's outfit, however, looked completely uncomfortable for her legs were exposed to the air. The girl could imagine how much she was freezing but nonetheless, the woman's expression showed anything but feeling cold.

"So, why are you exactly here?" Sohee blurted out the question.

The woman scoffed in response. "Can't a mother visit her child?"

"That's not what I meant," the girl retorted. "You and I both know you don't give a single shit about me, mom. What made you come here?"

Sohee ignored the warning look that her mother gave her and chose to stay quiet as to not to fuel any arguement or fight.

The woman sighed, fluttering her eyes shut for a moment before opening them again to settle her suddenly soft gaze to her daughter. "I've been thinking about what you said the last time your dad and I visited."

Sohee stayed silent, a signal for her mother to continue. "I hate to admit it myself but you were partly right, sure." She averted her gaze away from the girl and settled them elsewhere. "But you have to understand that we are running the business as well for your own good. I came here to clear things up and I guess, apologize for not paying attention to you for almost your whole childhood up until you grew up. But look where our money has gotten you. I have to say, you must thank us as well."

The woman sighed deeply before standing up from the bench, tidying up her fluffy dress. Sohee reiterated her actions, carefully standing up as well.

"This might be our last meeting, Sohee, daughter." Sohee swore she saw a swift look of pain show across her face but soon dismissed it. "You fought well and continue to live the last few remaining moments of your life in happiness."

The girl didn't even feel offended nor annoyed by her mother's words because she was most likely right. It was up to her if she would accept her fate or deny everything and continue to fight an impossible winless battle. She was battling with death after all.

So Sohee could only wave her mother a small goodbye with the woman returning the action. Sohee could now rest in peace for she had reconciled with both of her parents already though they never had the greatest relationship.

She had forgiven them already, and she was certain that they had forgiven her too. After all, she was their only daughter.


"I'm proud of you, Sohee." Yoongi beamed at her with the sincerest and biggest gummy smile he could ever muster. Truly, to his eyes, the girl was strong. Nobody could ever stoop on her level because she was Nam Sohee.

She was the love of his life.

The mentioned girl began to shift her glances around the room, too flustered about Yoongi's remark. Not only that...but the guilt that continuously grew in her conscience was making it harder for her to keep her mouth shut and not utter a single word about her condition.

"There's nothing really to be proud of, really." She tucked a strand of her fragile hair behind her ear, still avoiding the gaze of the male. "I just did what I was supposed to do. She's still my mother after all, she birthed me and never had an abortion. I just realized that so..." she trailed off.

Yoongi pinched her cheek, finding her adorable, to which Sohee finched in surprise. For the past weeks, she noticed that the male had become clingier and touchy. He always felt free around her, showing her his affection. Sohee, on the other hand, couldn't help but be melted by his actions, but the guilt inside her still remained and was undoubtedly overpowering the rest of her pleasant emotions.

The worst is that since Sohee had immensely grew on Yoongi's heart, it would be the hardest for him, and the most painful for him, to let go of her completely to the other side. To free himself from a suffering that kept on gripping in his heart. Sohee was afraid that once she leaves him, he would waste his life, just because of her.

She refused that to happen. That's why the person she could only rely on regarding about Yoongi even if she passed away, was his closest friend, Kim Namjoon.

"I love you, Sohee."

His voice pulled her out of her train of thoughts. She let out a smile of pain that went unnoticed to Yoongi, fortunately for her. Taking a deep breath, she cupped his cheeks with both of her soft and small palms. Yoongi's hands came to rest on top of hers as he awaited for her response.

"I love you more, Yoongi." Which is why I hope you would understand that I need to leave in order for you to finally find your own happiness. Thank you for being my happiness, now it is time for you to find your own.


A/N: Bonjour! Blue Bird is finally close to the end and honestly I enjoyed the whole writing process, except when I had almost like 938383 writer's blocks so forgive me if this story sucks lmao.

Anyway, there would be around 2-4 chapters left before this book end! I'm so excited to start writing a new book that just randomly popped up in my mind lmfao.

Stay safe and hydrated, tangerines!

(p.s. I think I might have a slight obsession on tangerines now since Yoongi has a huge love for them...oh how to be a tangerine...)

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