10. The Truth Untold

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Sohee stared at the blank wall.

For the past fifteen minutes since Namjoon left his clinic for awhile to give Sohee some time to process everything first. She had been in the same spot and position in those minutes that she almost forgot that Yoongi was in there too.

Yoongi pushed himself from the wall and quietly approached Sohee with small steps. Other than Sohee feeling devastated, Yoongi was confident that he was ten times feeling worse when Namjoon had dropped the bomb.

Yoongi knew. He had his suspicions but he chose to kept quiet and let a doctor, his friend, to do the talking instead. His whole being hoped and wished that he were wrong about his suspicion, but alas, this time around, the heavens weren't on his side this time.

When he was close enough, he shuddered slightly upon hearing Sohee's broken whisper. It hurt him more than it did to her.

"Did you know?" She whispered brokenly, fighting the urge to cry. "You knew something, right?"

Sohee was greeted with silence and she immediately knew Yoongi's answer. "It's okay." She whispered softly more to herself than to Yoongi. "You probably have your reason for not dropping the news to me. After all, you're a nurse, of course you'd know."

Yoongi suddenly felt the guilt coming its way to occupy his heart. He tried to help Sohee and as much as possible without mentioning his suspicion. He didn't want to be the person who told her but someone who is more professional than him, and Namjoon fitted the requirement. Plus, he wasn't so sure himself too.

Yoongi soundlessly sighed. "I'm sorry, Sohee. I just didn't want to think that my suspicion was correct. I refuse to. Even now, I refuse to believe what Namjoon said."

Wordlessly, Sohee stood up slowly from her seat. Yoongi instinctively went to her side, his hands hovering over her arms making sure sure she was alright. He didn't want to touch her, afraid that her fragile body might break in his touch.

"I'm going to take the x-ray." She said calmly. When Yoongi was about to protest that she didn't have to if she didn't want to, she continued. "I want to know if it's either benign or malignant, anyway."

Sohee sighed, already expecting it to be the latter, while Yoongi still had a bit of hope that it would be the first one.

They both came out of the clinic to find Namjoon leaning against the wall, typing something on his phone. Sohee assumed that he had a girlfriend waiting, seeing how he had his dimple smile on as he typed.

"She said she'll take the x-ray." Yoongi announced when they reached Namjoon.

Namjoon's smile was soon replaced with a frown. The girl knew that he felt genuinely sorry for his friend, Yoongi, and her, despite of him smiling just a few seconds ago.

"Okay." Namjoon faced Sohee. "Whenever you're ready."

"Let's do it now." Sohee replied instinctively. "I have school in a few hours so—"

"You're not attending classes today, Sohee." Yoongi cut her off. "Spend the rest of the day in resting. Namjoon and I will inform the school that you'll be calling in a sick day." He met Namjoon's eyes, telling him through his gaze to go along.

Sohee whimpered to herself clearly displeased about Yoongi's idea. She felt tired so she decided not to argue with Yoongi, seeing that it would just lead to nowhere. Plus, she knew that Yoongi would always win. She realized that Yoongi had a trait of always getting what he wanted. In a good way, of course. Sohee knew all he wanted was the good for her. In that week that she got to know and learn little by little about Yoongi, everything about him was perfect.

Sohee sighed deeply. "Okay. Can we go to the radiology now?" Instead of meeting Namjoon's eyes, she met Yoongi's. His eyes were enough to reassure her.


Sohee tiredly undressed herself from her waist up in a closed room. Inhaling the scent of the hospital gown, she decided that she didn't like the smell. It only made her feel more sick.

Sohee nervously came her out. Unsurprised, she found Yoongi right beside the room's door, leaning against the wall. He pushed himself off to check if she was alright and if the hospital gown felt tight.

"I'm fine." She assured him, placing a hand on his to gently squeeze it. "Where's Dr. Kim?"

"Inside." He replied gently. "Come."

Yoongi lead the way for her as the girl's heartrate started to jog up. Sohee was praying that the tumor was benign. She still wanted to explore tha world. She felt as if she knew alot of things yet so little. She wanted to explore the unknown, find herself a good job for her career, to be able to make more friends.

To spend more time with Yoongi, the only real friend she had ever made. And maybe, possibly, even more than that. Sohee had a feeling in her heart that she couldn't decipher. But she was both nervous and excited about it. She wanted to explore more about her feelings.

Before it's too late.


Namjoon helped instructed her to lie down on the specialized table. He gently placed a lead apron over her a body to protect her from radiation.

In the corner of her eye, she saw Yoongi's retreating form disappearing through the door. As much as she wanted Yoongi to be there, she realized that it was better for him to stay outside. Sohee began to chew her lip.

The radiologist mentioned Namjoon to join him. Nervousness bubbled up inside Sohee as she was now all alone.

She closed her eyes and imagined Yoongi's face. The gentle the smile that painted his lips to assure her that everything was fine. Once again slumber made its way into her senses.


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