2. I'm Blue

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Sohee fought herself to keep herself from not fangirling in front of Yoongi. She didn't know why his question earlier made her heart flutter. All she knew was she was touched by the boy's action. If anything else, he was supposed to be angry and creeped out at her.

The sky's color was painted in gray, the sun hiding behind the clouds. The air was cool making Sohee shiver slightly. Even though it was a bit cold, Yoongi beside her was enough since he radiated warmth into her. It fascinated her that his blue hair contrasted his body's warmth. It took every inch of her body not to jump right into his arms and hug him because of the cold.

"I hope you're starting to remember the way now." Yoongi chuckled slightly, still finding her amusing because of her weak memory. "I'm pretty sure once we cross the pedestrian you'll know where to go next. You wanna lead the way then?"

Sohee looked around then nodded. "Mhm, I do remember now. I'll lead us there, so just follow me." She pointed her chest with her thumb with a confident look plastered on her face.

Yoongi found her endearing.

They crossed the road side by side, with Yoongi slightly in front to make sure that Sohee was safe. It was a gentleman trait of his that he inherited from his father. He remembered that his father used to lead the way when him, Yoongi, and his mother cross the pedestrian.

"Alright. We've crossed. Lead the way, m'lady." He joked, spreading his arm out and stepping aside to give way to Sohee.

The girl tsked. "Gee, so cheesy." She commented earning a soft chuckle from the male, to which she found adorable.

It didn't took long for them to reach the gates of Gangnam University. Yoongi applauded the female for remembering the rest of the way. As they engaged in their small talks, they walk through the gate. Once Sohee and Yoongi reached the entrance of her dorm, their expressions immediately changed from bright to dull. Though neither of them planned to show to the other.

"So this is it." Sohee began. "I'm staying at this building. You know, you can stop by if you want to, I'll text you my room number and floor." She proposed, eager to meet the male again.

Yoongi's eyes brightened. "Sure. Sure, of course." He reached out his hand for the female's phone, to which she handed him gratefully.

Once they have exchanged their phone numbers, their moods both became blue again, neither amused by them needing to go on their separate ways.

Yoongi broke the silence. "I don't mind you coming by the hospital too, if you'd want. Plus, I could teach you some things that I know."

Sohee didn't fail to notice the slight pink hue dusting on Yoongi's cheeks. "I'd like that. Thanks for the offer!" She said cheerfully.

Once they have exchanged their goodbyes, Sohee began on her way towards the dorm building, successfuly refraining herself from looking back at Yoongi, who waited for her to safely go inside the building.


Sohee closed the door behind her and leaned against it as she began to calm down her beating heart. She was never used to human interaction and that was probably her first proper interaction with someone and she glad and surprised she didn't mess up.

Who knew Min Yoongi was able to do that? A social awkward person like her, he was able to get her out of character, completely not herself, as if she was so used to socializing.

Her gaze fell on the piles of paper scattered across her desk. The lamp was still turned on, facing the direction of her reviewers, with a few highlighters layed around, two of which their covers are missing.

Sohee's smile drops, changing to a frown. Though, only a minute ago, Yoongi fully occupied her thoughts, her lessons and topics to review for her quizzes tomorrow worried her, beating out her thoughts of the male.

Sohee sighed in annoyance, massaging her forehead with one hand and the other nonchantly dropping her bag on the floor. She proceeded to sit on the swivel chair, turning around to face the desk fully.

And so, she began her study marathon.


Yoongi was tired.

Arranging a pile of documents didn't exactly pleased him. He was a nurse. An intern was supposed to be doing what he was doing but due to the lack of interns, he was forced to do this. Let's say that a friend of his schemed this. His doctor friend, Kim Namjoon, a valedictorian when he graduated college of medicine.

He knew he did this to piss him off. Yoongi was slightly starting to regret telling Namjoon that he met someone earlier. You can say that he was a nerd because of how dedicated he was at his work, meanwhile, Yoongi takes him time, enjoying the gift of life while he suffers its consequences.

That was life. It's a cycle of ups and downs. Whenever something happens good, something bad happens the next. It was scary.

It was around ten when Yoongi finished. He wiped the bead of sweat on his forehead then exhaustedly trust falls against the chair, looking at the room's ceilings. He checked his watch and abruptly sat up upon seeing the time. It was way past working hours and Yoongi longed the comfort of his own bed.

Yoongi forced himself to stand up and quietly left the room. His phone buzzed in his pocket. Wondering who was messaging at this late hour, he took it out and his eye sockets bulged out at the name it read.

I'm hungry. Want to grab dinner with me?


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