32. Moonlight Waltz

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There was barely anyone in the hospital the moment the elevator doors opened, revealing no one but darkness, illuminated by the light of the moon above. Instead of pitch black, the hue of their surroundings was midnight blue.

Yoongi pushed the wheelchair, the squeaky sound pulling Sohee out of her trance. She was still confused as to where was Yoongi bringing her but she stayed silent nonetheless because she was slightly tired from all the talking she did with her father and the comfortable silence that engulfed around them was serene.

Confusion was soon plastered on Sohee's face upon reaching the spacious lobby of the hospital. Yoongi halted then positioned himself in front of Sohee, squatting down to reach her level.

Sohee's orbs were busy surveying the unseen part of the hospital. She had never been here perhaps because this was the other side of the building and she never get to enter through here.

"What are we doing here?" Though she only questioned the words out as a whisper, it resonated through the room.

Yoongi smiled softly. "You'll see."

He stood up then walked towards something. Sohee's gaze followed his figure until she noticed the vinyl at the side of the spacious room. Yoongi crouched as he grabbed something underneath, a CD, then placed it carefully on the vinyl.

Soft tunes began to play and it echoed across the whole room. Goosebumps trailed across the arms and legs of Sohee. The snow from outside produced small buttoned shadows falling, accompanied by the moonlight.

Sohee was too immersed in the song and her surroundings that she didn't notice Yoongi walking back to her and was now kneeling down in front of her.

Their eyes met, and a spark ignited. The two were immersed in each other's gazes that Sohee swore she felt his face inching closer. But a particular part of the song broke their trance and Yoongi reached out his palm to her.

"Dance with me, Sohee."

The girl was baffled. "But I'm still weak—"

"Stand on my toes. I'll support you." Yoongi gave her a gummy smile. It was her weakness so she agreed.

With the help of Yoongi, she was able to stand up. Gasping, she instinctively wrapped her arms around the former, then widened her eyes upon the sudden close proximity of their bodies. Warmth surged from Yoongi's body's to her, and that didn't help with the fact that Sohee's cheeks were very warm.

Yoongi seemed to be enjoying his girlfriend's flusteredness so he pulled her closer to his chest, his own arms snaking around her waist.

The boy instructed her to stand on his feet.

"I'm worried that I might be too heavy for you to carry." Sohee mumbled.

"Trust me, darling, you weigh as light as a feather." He reassured her, tucking a strand of her light brown hair behind her ear.

Sohee's heart fluttered at the nickname given to her that she almost melted. She felt her legs beginning to wobble so she had no choice but to stand on Yoongi's toes, which reduced the distance between their bodies even more.

Sohee was glad that she was shorter than Yoongi so that she didn't have to deal with meeting Yoongi's dark irises with her own. She was too flustered at the moment that she only set her gaze on Yoongi's adam's apple.

Slowly, they began to sway along with the music. Comfortable silence engulfed around them. While Yoongi was relaxed and was enjoying admiring his dear beloved, Sohee continued to stare at his neck. Yoongi smirked slightly.

"Why so red?" Yoongi teased.

"Shut up." Sohee muttered.

A soft chuckle reverberated from Yoongi's lips, obviously enjoying Sohee being a blushing mess.

Silence once again enveloped around them. They continued to sway along the soft tunes, Yoongi's hands continuously caressing the small of her back.

Yoongi began to take a step backward, to which Sohee gasped at. "Yoongi, what are you doing?"

"Spicing things up a bit." He grinned cheekily. "This would also help you and regaining your energy, so just relax and follow my lead, hm?" He leaned a bit close, too close, to Sohee.

"If I fall, I will blame it on you." Sohee rolled her eyes.

"Oh darling, at least you would fall for me. Don't worry, I'll catch you whenever that happens." Yoongi's gummy smile grew wider.

"Look at you being confident. A few days ago, you were just a nervous little kitten who was afraid to speak up about his feelings." Sohee teased.

"Which is why I'm being confident now." Yoongi retorted back. "I succeeded in making you a flustered mess."

Sohee frowned. "So that was your agenda all this time?"

The former chuckled. "No, of course not. I wanted to do this because I want to spend some romantic time with you. Obviously, taking you out on a date wouldn't do because of your condition. So this is what I came up for now."

Sohee was sure that her legs were immensely shaking now. The only thing that was assuring her that she was just imagining it was Yoongi seeming unbothered.

"Thank you, Yoongi." Sohee whispered, a smile ghosting on her lips. She softly began to play with the boy's blue locks.

Yoongi returned the smile then caught her off-guard by hugging her. His chin went to rest on her shoulder and he inhaled her scent. It was something that he got addicted to lately.

Sohee hugged him back, resting her head against his chest. She closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth he radiated within her.

Everything at that moment was therapeutic and perfect. It calmed Sohee's nerves that she forgot all of the pain she endured from the past few days.

Sohee hoped that after that surgery, she was now going to fine. Her brain would heal and she could finally go back to her dorm and attend school, whilst enjoying her time with Yoongi.

She deeply wished that this weak feeling she was encountering was only just a side effect.

Yoongi hoped the same because he wouldn't no what to do if he loses the girl he love.

And so, for the rest of the night, they danced the night away in each other's arms.


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