24. I'm Here

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Sohee held him close as he continuously sobbed his heart out. The snow no longer mattered to each of them because Yoongi was numb and so was Sohee.

The girl never expected for Yoongi to open up to her but here he was, sobbing uncontrollably, tears endlessly spilling, wetting her patient gown. But she didn't bother to stop him nor did she even notice.

She hugged him close, his head flushed to her chest as she slowly caressed his hair, trying to comfort him. Words didn't seem to formulate in her mind so she tried to comfort him through her actions.

"I-It's okay, Yoongi." She managed to say. The boy's grip on her tightened. "I'm here, Yoongi. I'm here..."

Somewhere in the back of Yoongi's mind, he hoped that she would also say I'll be here. I'll always be here.

But no, she didn't. It scared Yoongi so much that his once healing heart, has began to open up again.


"I-I'm sorry, Sohee." Yoongi stuttered, his cheeks red as he avoided the girl's eyes. "I shouldn't have, uh, broke down in front of you. N-Now I look like a crying mess."

The girl smiled at him in adoration, amused by his flusteredness. "Don't worry about it. I don't mind." Then her expression turned serious and slowly placed her hand on top of his in comfort. "I'm thankful that you opened up for me. That you shared something so personal to someone like me who isn't even that close to you."

Yoongi shook his head. "No, don't say that. I told you because I wanted to and I trust you. You're very close to me, Sohee. I feel close to you."

It was true. It was like a hidden magnet that kept pulling the male towards the girl. He now realized that he was attracted to her, but had no idea why. There weren't any similarities between her and his mother except for their illnesses. Or maybe it was fate. They were meant to meet each other.

The girl smiled softly. Then she slowly lifted her hand to brush the strands of Yoongi's attractive blue hair away from his face, and the boy's heart fluttered.

"So you're afraid." She broke the silence, her fingertips still running across his hair. "To lose me." She said more as a statement than a question.

Yoongi stared at her, his gaze firmly on her eyes, whilst hers were fixated on his hair, her fingertips still caressing it, soft in her fingers. Sohee smiled softly as she continues to brush away the snow that was continuously falling on top of his head.

She suddenly halted when Yoongi's hand found her wrist and he slowly pulled them down to get a better view of the female's face. Instantly, their gazes met and a comfortable silence enveloped around them.

"For the past few days." Yoongi began, his hand never leaving Sohee's wrist. "I've been trying to distance myself away from you because I was afraid of being hurt, of the thought of losing someone again."

"You won't." The girl sighed as she shook her head from left to right. "And seriously? Are you telling me in front of my face that I'm dying?" She let out a bitter laugh and Yoongi frowned. That was clearly not his intention.

"I didn't mean it that way." Yoongi lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be a coward, Yoongi." Sohee firmly said causing Yoongi to instantly whipped his head on her in surprise. "I'm still alive and I'm right in front of you right now. And the fact that you're like giving up already, that's so coward-ish." The corner of her lips tugged upward. "Fight for it, Yoongi, and don't let fear take over."

"Look at me." She pointed to herself, a grin forming on her face. "I'm sick, yes, but I'm still sane. Somehow, still managing to smile. And mind you, it isn't a forced one."

Yoongi's gummy smile instantly appeared. He suddenly felt guilty of always looking at the negative side of things whereas Sohee was always looking at the bright side, despite of her illness. She doesn't allow it to bring her down.

Not right now at the moment, at least.

"So, Yoongi." The girl placed a hand on top of his that was still holding her wrist. "Don't be discouraged. I'm right here."


From the moment they entered the elevator, walk into Sohee's room, until now, the two lovebirds were endlessly talking and chatting, getting to know the other more.

Yoongi got to learn how much Sohee was a bookworm, hence the all-nighters she pulled up every single night when she used to study in her dormitory. The boy observed that the girl always tucked her hair behind her ear when she talked so much, even though there weren't anymore strands left to tuck. He found this quite adorable. He also learned that Sohee really wanted to be a doctor ever since she was a child, though there was a time in her life when she was confused whether to be an author instead.

To the male, everything about the girl was beautiful to him. He couldn't stop smiling like an idiot that he was even caught by her, staring.

When Yoongi told about himself, Sohee's heart fluttered hearing that he really wanted and wished to be a famous basketball player. He loved playing more than anything. The girl found this attractive about him and even visioned him playing in the court, his blue hair sticking on his forehead because of his sweat. Sohee immediately dismissed her thought, finding it absolutely ridiculous that she flinched, making Yoongi blink in surprise.

And that day, they talked for hours, finding themselves falling for each other slowly, hearts beating in sync.


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